Ch. 14

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Logan pulled up to the house.

Roman was the first to get in. "Hey, Lo."

"I'm really sorry that I've ruined your night." Logan mumbled. "It's just that, when I heard the news--"

"We understand, Lo." Patton nodded. "You don't need to apologize."

"My thoughts just started spiraling. Why would someone do that to Janus? He was a gentle soul, though he put on a lot of bravado." Logan shook his head, fists tightening on the wheel. "Why would you wanna hurt someone like that?"

"People can be cruel." Remus sneered. "Anyone who could hate Janus is a terrible person, in my book."

Virgil shifted in his seat. Roman assumed he was uncomfortable, since he didn't like Janus all that much.

"I didn't think I could handle being alone. I was shocked at first; I still am, really. But I know that shock usually leads to anger when it comes to me. I didn't want to do something I would regret." Logan grimaced.

"You did the right thing, Lo." Roman assured. "We all would've done the same."

"My father told me that the culprit most likely broke into Janus' room while he was sleeping. They found that the window was unlocked. Janus...he didn't like his window open." Logan murmured, starting the car. "There were no fingerprints on there, though. The killer most likely wiped them off."

"They killed him in his sleep...?" Patton whispered, bringing his hands to his mouth. "That's...horrific..."

"If they killed him in his sleep, it was probably premeditated." Logan told them, steeling himself. "Janus probably woke up at one point, there's no way he would be able to sleep through a razor piercing his skin."

"That means that there might've been a struggle." Remus murmured.

"Exactly. But I doubt it lasted long." Logan nodded, making a turn. "Janus probably saw the face of his killer before he died."

"Who could do something so...terrible...?" Roman asked, horrified. "To plan someone's death...I couldn't even imagine doing such a thing..."

"Someone who obviously had a grudge." Logan growled, glaring at the road ahead.

"You have someone in mind?" Virgil asked lowly, crossing his arms.

Logan didn't reply, an expression that Roman couldn't pinpoint on his face.

" you have someone in mind, Lo?" Patton asked hesitantly.

" I do." Logan gritted out. "It's only a suspicion, though. There's no evidence pointing towards them."

Logan's eyes briefly glanced up to the rearview mirror.

Virgil tensed ever so slightly. Roman almost missed it.

"Who do you suspect?" Remus asked.

Logan shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road. "I shouldn't get into it. Especially when it's just a hunch..." Logan looked back at the rearview mirror. "I'm fairly certain my logic is sound, however."

"Is that so?" Virgil asked, a look of concern on his face. "I wouldn't want you to jump to conclusions, Lo. Harboring resentment towards someone for no reason seems...highly unproductive."

"I don't know if there's no reason, necessarily." Logan grumbled. "I have good reason to suspect this person."

"Still, without a proper basis...I mean, Janus harbored resentment towards me for no reason, yes? And you saw what happe--"

"You shut your fucking--" Logan took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching his fists. "Be that as it may," He gritted out. "the person I have in mind has a clear motive."

"Your reasoning is pretty shaky, Lo." Virgil shook his head solemnly. "Don't you think your should reconsider?"

"Virgil?" Logan plastered a smile on his face. "What's your address?"

"I'm sorry?" Virgil asked, raising a brow.

"I'm going to drop you all off. I figured I should start with you." Logan smiled brightly, brighter than Roman had ever seen. It was almost too bright to be natural.

Virgil huffed, before giving Logan his address. Roman was confused, so he looked to Remus and Patton for answers.

They looked equally confused.

The rest of the ride was spent in tense silence, no one sure what to say.

Roman kept replaying the conversation again in his mind, trying to understand why Virgil and Logan had gotten so hostile.

"We're here!" Logan chirped, pulling into Virgil's driveway.

Virgil got out of the car. "I'll call you later, Ro." He hummed. "And Logan, I really think you should drop it. You don't know what might happen if you pursue this."

"What are you implying, Pryder?" Logan blinked innocently.

"Nothing, nothing." Virgil shook his head. "Goodnight, everyone."

And with that, Virgil walked to his house.

Logan's smile immediately dropped, and he quickly pulled out of the driveway. "My dad is going to show up at school on Monday. He wants to question some students who knew Janus, or have known him."

"Is he going to interrogate us?" Patton asked.

"Yeah." Logan nodded. "He'll probably question us more than the others, since we were closest to him."

"Us? He's going to question you too?" Remus asked. "Why didn't he just do it at home?"

"He doesn't like to bring work into his personal life. If I'm ever involved in a case, he'll interrogate me when he's on duty. Otherwise, it's irrelevant." Logan hummed. "This left, right Pat?"


Logan pulled up to the twins' house. They were the last stop, so Logan did seem less chatty during the ride.

"Thanks for taking us home, Lo." Remus said. "See you at school on Monday."


Roman was about to get out too, when Logan grabbed his arm.

"Roman," Logan murmured, voice quiet and stern. " careful around him. He's...I don't trust him."

"I will, Lo." Roman replied, slightly confused. "Thanks for the concern."

Roman got out and followed Remus into the house.


This chapter is so expositional brooo. It was so boring to write.

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