Ch. 42

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Lying on the floor of a supply closet wasn't really how Patton imagined he would be spending his evening.

He wasn't really sure when they had left; everything had blurred together after an hour. He had been beaten, spit on, had stuff taken out of his bag, and more stuff that he couldn't remember clearly.

What had he done to deserve this?

He just wanted to go home, curl up in a ball in his room, and go to sleep. Maybe not home, actually. His home wasn't a very comfortable place to be.

He just wanted to relax for awhile. He just wanted to finally feel safe. He just wanted to finally feel alive.

He just wanted...

He just wanted Remus.

He wanted Remus to hold him, and to kiss him, and to assure Patton that nothing was going to hurt him. He wanted Remus to love him, and let Patton give him love in return. That's all he wanted. Was that too much to ask for?

There, barely conscious on the floor, Patton contemplated Remus' offer.

"You could...come live with me."

Could he really do that? Could he really just leave?

It sounded enticing. Taking Emile and moving in with Remus sounded like a fantasy.

Shit. Emile.

He had completely forgotten that he was supposed to pick him up.

Mustering up some willpower, Patton pushed himself into a sitting position. He pulled out his (now cracked) phone.

It was almost six. Would they still be there?

Well, whatever, he had to get walking.


It was silent. That was the first thing Patton noticed when he arrived at the school. There were no cars in the parking lot, which in itself sent a rush of adrenaline through him.

He looked around, hoping to at least hear the familiar giggling of his little brother. "Hello?" He called out. "Is anyone here?"

"Who's there?!"

A flashlight was shone in his eyes. It was barely dark, why the hell did this guy have a flashlight?!

"Uh, hi?" Patton murmured, blocking the light with his hand. "I was supposed to pick up my brother a little while ago? Is he still here?"

"All the kids were picked up." The man with the flashlight grunted. "Maybe your parents came and took him, I dunno."

They didn't. His father would never miss a meeting, and would've told him otherwise.

"Uh, thanks." Patton murmured, feeling a bit faint.

He turned to leave, pulling out his phone.

He dialed the number of Emile's teacher, praying for some good news.


"Hey, uh, this is Patton Libum? Emile's older brother."

"Oh, hello! What is it you need?"

"Yeah, uh, I was wondering who picked Emile up? I just arrived at the school."

"...I'm sorry?" She asked incredulously. "Mr. picked him up."

"What? No, I didn't." Patton frowned. "I was...stuck in traffic all day!"

"No, I'm sure you did. You were wearing a mask because you caught a cold, remember?"

"What? I never caught a cold." Patton mumbled, feeling his terror increase by the second. "That couldn't have been me. Did he look like me? Sound like me?"

"You two do sound a bit different..." She mumbled shakily. "Oh god. He was a teenager, so I assumed it was you--"

"No, no, no." Patton whispered, panic overtaking all of his other emotions.

"He was wearing a hat and a mask, so I didn't really see his face. I knew that blonde hair looked fake, why didn't I say anything?!"

"I'm calling the police." Patton murmured faintly, before hanging up.


"Blaire, we'll find him." Theodore reassured Patton's mother, who had buried her face in her hands.

"You better find him." Mr. Libum growled. "And he better be unharmed when you do."

"Oh my god, this can't be happening." Patton whispered to himself.

It had been about 3 hours since Patton called the police, and there was no trace of the seven year old.

He had called Remus multiple times to see if he knew anything, but he wasn't picking up. That was an issue for another time, though.

"I'm going to go join my team in searching, okay?" Theodore told her gently, before turning to Mr. Libum and Patton. "Eric, if you receive any new information, call me immediately."

Mr. Libum scoffed, but didn't comment.

Theodore smiled at Patton. "Take care of yourself."

He turned and exited the house.

Immediately, Patton's mother grabbed a nearby lamp and threw it at Patton's father. She nearly hit Patton, but he stepped out of the way in time.

Mr. Libum was barely able to dodge it, jumping back in alarm.

"This is all your fault!" She screamed, glowering at him. "Why can't you put your fucking family above work?!"

"And let us go bankrupt?!" Mr. Libum shot back. "It's not my fault that your son is a lazy slacker!"

"Oh, I'll get to him in a moment." She snarled, glaring at Patton, who shrunk a bit in fear.

"You're saying this is all my fault?! My fault?!" Mr. Libum snapped. "Why didn't you pick him up?! The only reason Patton had to pick Emile up, is because you're a crazy bitch who won't leave her house!"

"You know damn well why I can't leave this house!" Mrs. Libum snapped. "I would rather die than let the world know I'm your wife! Your wretched wife who apparently sleeps around with your subordinates!"

"That's because you did sleep with Vincent! I know you did!" Mr. Libum barked.

Patton sighed a little in disappointment. He should've expected this.

Even when their son is missing, they're more concerned about themselves.


That poor lamp.

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