Under the Stars

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A/N: AU BELONGS TO LazariRose4 this is just merely a one-shot of the story they're writing so please check their book out.

The day Jake dreaded has come, the day of the darn Gala. His aunt, Queen Rosy, however, did get rid of all of his fake friends' invitations so that's a better start to the day. However, ever since Daisy rejected Jake and still won't talk to him about the heirloom problem, Jake had been getting closer with Hailey once again.

Back in their private school years, Jake was a bully due to his fake friends. Inside, however, he was somewhat jealous of Hailey and Zander. The two were musically talented in every way while Jake can only sing well enough. But singing is more of a "princess" thing and Jake did not want to get bullied for it.

Without Jake knowing, Hailey had a crush on recently, due to their friendship somewhat repairing after the situation happened. Sure it's only Hailey so far but the rest might come around soon enough.

Jake knew that he could find a way to make their night at the gala the best night ever, just to make up for all the horrible things he did before. One of it was getting rid of the problem, his fake friends. They're all just using him for fame and even Zander snapped at him for realising it when it was too late.

Just a few days ago, before the gala started, Jake was writing a letter. A letter to all of the best seamstresses around. He was hoping that it would help the group repair his relationship with the rest of the people he considered as actual friends. Jake tried to get over Daisy too, by requesting her a beautiful matching dress with Sean's attire. The group will look like a group of elites and Jake's real personal close friends.

Now enough with the idiotic prince, let's get going to Zander and Hailey. Hailey's father was walking in, holding a meteorite-size box with a letter on top of it. Zander's mother took the letter from the box and handed it over to Hailey and giving a sly, snake-like, wink.

"Mother, who is this letter for?" Hailey asked, looking up at her mum who just smiled as if she knew everything that was going on. Hailey decided to open up the scroll to see a letter to her, from Jake himself.

Dear Hailey,

After everything you've told me, I have a feeling that you guys should come to the gala since you are on the invitation list after all. Come to my place on the night of the gala, Drew and those idiots won't be there to harass you and your friends, don't worry. Also, invite Daisy along too, she'll be surprised with what I have...

Hailey shook her head while a small smile appeared on her face. She thought that Jake was trying to impress Daisy again and decided to continue reading.

...either way, I'm sure that my dearest friends would love what I have for you all. I would get you a replacement heirloom but it doesn't have the sentiment the original item had. To this day, I still can't get over about all the mistakes I had done to you and your brother. I still wish that I could reverse time like that old book, "The Time Machine." I wish you all to attend and I had sent similar letters to the rest of your friends except Daisy since she would probably tear it apart.

Forever your irritating idiot,


The day of the gala arrived and Hailey met up with all her friends and her stepbrother, at Jake's place. When they arrived there, there were many guards in front, presumably trying to keep "intruders" out. The guards attempted to stop them before Jake came out of the door, stopping the guards. He gave a sad smile and motioned the group to follow him, to a certain special room.

The room was full of dresses and suits, all ready for the rest of the group. Many that looked like it was commissioned to their liking, favourite colours, sizes, patterns and such. Jake stood at the centre of the room sheepishly. He specifically asked the rest of the group for their sizes so he could send them to the seamstresses and get his order done in time.

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