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Back in primary, the students would have to write what they like on paper. Jake, not knowing how embarrassment feels, decided to write about his love for music. Music tends to be looked down upon in the school, mostly by students who tend to be bullies. The well known bullies were Andy, Angus and Zane.

When Jake had to present, Jake wrote a beautiful song for Daisy, the girl he loved. When he finished singing the song, there was no applause. Just blank stares while the teacher happily clapped.

Like most cliched schools, the teachers were not aware of bullying going around the school. After Jake's performance the three bullies relentlessly bullied Jake, to the point where he would return home in tears, worrying his mother. The students did not want to get in the way and get hurt because of someone else so that's why they did not help Jake.

After weeks passed of relentless bullying, the teacher announced something new.

"Class, today we're going to write letters to students from another school." The teacher announced, making the class look somewhat excited. The teacher went on, talking about how they'll be paired randomly and most likely with the opposite sex. When Jake went to pick the name, he got a girl named "Hailey."

Now remember, at this time Jake was not a bully but more of the one being bullied. Jake did not want to pursue music anymore, in fear of judgement from his peers and his teachers. Jake did not want anyone to know that he loves to sing and suppressed all of his passion for singing. He soon became the popular boy due to him defending a weak student and then the three bullies started getting shunned for bullying such a nice and charming boy.

One day there was a new student in class. He introduced himself as Andrew but to call him Drew. Since Jake was popular and charming, the two became fast friends, getting along and had a lot of things in common. Soon, two other unknown students, Henry and Liam, joined the group of friends.

Things seemed to be looking good so far, however, Jake had written to his penpal that he loved music but was afraid of being judged. At the time, Drew, Liam and Henry were not in his life yet. Hailey wrote back encouraging letters, telling him to pull through and pursue his passion.

In one of the letters, she wrote:

Jake, they're just a bunch of bullies. Pay them no mind and continue to sing!...I bet your singing is amazing...Don't let the bullies get to you, you'll be great! Now, for a while as you know my parents were separated. I recently went to a guy's house, where my father's new wife would be, apparently. So I have a stepbrother named Alexander but I call him Zander to annoy him. I know the chances of us meeting are slim and emails are becoming popular so, I'll leave my email here in this letter! Anyway, I hope you get the girl of your dreams, see ya later Jake!



All of the letters Hailey sent were all kept inside a special book where Jake kept all of his feelings in. He wouldn't tell his friends about it and hid it whenever his friends came over to play with toys and video games.

Hailey was what Jake would naively called a true friend. Someone who supported his passions and helped him cheer up, the one who doesn't tear others down or at least that's what Jake thought. Even though he had never seen Hailey's face before, Jake knew that she would be just as beautiful as Daisy.


Over the years, Jake met a peculiar girl in Key Stage 3. A young girl with teal hair, black eyes and her hair tied up in a ponytail. She introduced herself as "Hailey" and Jake thought the name sounded familiar. Like he heard the name somewhere before.

Keep in mind, Jake was in year 4 when he wrote to his pen pal and now he's in year 11. 7 years is way too long to remember things and when Jake was in Key Stage 3, he went on and teased Hailey and her 'boyfriend', Zander with his buffoons. This went on until they reached Key Stage 4.

Jake barely remembers his penpal and despite the fact that he teases what Drew called "the Music Freaks," Jake genuinely wanted to join the club. He still loves to sing and still loves all things music. He's not good at everything but his best talent is singing. And it wasn't until the day when Hailey said that the buffoons wished they had half the talent that the duo had. Jake was determined to prove her wrong.

Around this time, Jake still couldn't talk to Daisy like a normal person, due to his crush on her growing stronger. Liam jokingly said that the day Jake asked Daisy out, is the day Liam would try to ask Daisy out. This became a running joke in the group, if they weren't bullying the Music Freaks, of course.

By this time, Drew had developed a weird self-love with himself. Loving himself enough to believe that he is above others, and started to bully a young gardener named Elliot. Drew's parents got richer, if that's even possible and he even got himself a girlfriend, Zoey. Zoey was kind but she's also a very rude girl who would harass Hailey and her friends whenever they're around. Zoey did develop a strange hatred for a red to pink-haired girl and would tease and harass her every day.


Unbeknownst to everyone, the famous Dupain-Cheng and Agreste couple finally came out about the fact that they had 100% on their soulmates app. The app wasn't released in England yet but people were hyped, seeing that soulmates might be real after all. There's no one except a few odd couples outside Europe who got a 100%, which was unheard of, even to the app's developers.

So when the app was released to England, many people quickly downloaded it and read the news about the famous Dupain-Cheng and Agreste couple, the one who got 100% on their soulmates app.

"Jake, did Daisy appear on your app?" Drew asked Jake and Jake sighed. He wasn't expecting this response, to be honest.

Daisy was in second place with 73% compatibility. Lia was in 4th place while Zander was in third. However, there's someone else who has a 98% compatibility with Jake, someone who even Jake himself, did not expect.

"Uhh yeah, she is on my list...she's in second place," Jake replied to Drew and the rest of his friends.

"Well then, who's in first place then?" Henry replied with a smirk. There's no one the group knew who would be the most compatible with Jake.

Jake knew he couldn't keep secrets from his friends for long so he passed his phone around to his friends. Starting with Henry, then Liam, then Drew. Each look went from surprised to shocked. Despite the fact that the buffoons were in History class, they had this to say...

"SHE'S YOUR SOULMATE?!" The three friends whisper-shouted. And this is where our story begins.

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