dancing to silence - ateez jongho

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the lights in the main dining hall of the restaurant are dimmed down perfectly, not a hint too bright or too dull.

the tables weren't in their usual placed spots today, all of the furniture moved and dragged across the floor to squeeze themselves against the wall.

it was the perfect space for what your fiancé had been planning all along and he hadn't said a word all night to you, even at dinner before he brought you to this room.

dinner on an empty balcony and now this, what exactly had jongho been planning all along?

you step lightly behind him, eyes wandering around, trapped inside the amazement of the extravagant room.

when he reaches the very center-most point in the hall, he extends a hand, warm and silver eyes soaking up how beautiful you look, how beautiful you always look.

you're lifting your eyes to meet his gaze and there's that glimmer in his eye that tells you how madly in love he is with you.

the corner of your lips raise into a smile and you let him take your hand as he pushes your body closer to his large form, a grin so sweet donning his lips.

when jongho's this close to you, his love, his one and only, he knows that he was given someone so entirely special to him that there was no other choice of his that he would have chosen instead.

your heart is racing but you don't take caution of that because even if you feel as if your whole body is on fire, you were glad it was him who gave you this feeling.

jongho leans and places his lips on yours, kissing you slowly and smoothly, lips meshing against each other before he pulls back and stares at you.

and you're not sure how it happened but one stare turned into a smile and then you're suddenly both dancing in the dining hall, windows opened with the already night sky welcoming you with its breeze.

there is no people, there is no music, there is no sound.

but there is the two of you, dancing alone at an expensive restaurant that probably took jongho months to reserve and somehow, there was nothing that you could ever want more than a moment spent with him.

your footsteps are light and move along with his at just the right tempo, slow.

he has his arms around you and you're leaning on his chest, head resting against his heart and believe me when i say, anyone who could've heard his heartbeat would think he needed a doctor.

then, right then and there, you almost say those three words but you don't.

instead your eyes are raising to look at him and from that one glance alone, jongho had already knew the words situated on your mind because it was no doubt to say,

he is thinking those exact three words, too.

i'm leaving you, jongho thought, the emotion of guilt drowning him in its ocean.


i love you, the both of you thought.

and none of you had to say it to mean it.

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