Dream State Of Mind

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****this chapter is based on Season 2 Episode 22 Shades of Grey, Season 3 Episode 1 Evolution****

"That must have been a interesting introduction!"  Dezirae says as she watches Riker's memory of him meeting Data for the first time as he lays in a comatose like state while Pulaski has him hooked to the Neural Stimulation  "what do you mean!?!"  Deanna asks as she watches the process only able to read Riker's emotions "he's remembering the day he first met Data"  Dezirae replies Deanna smiles "you can see them!?!"  Pulaski asks with a surprised tone Dezirae nods and replies "if I wish to though I have learned since being here how to stop myself from entering thoughts and other things when I feel I don't need to or shouldn't be meddling within them.... I owe you all so much.... if it wasn't for Data I'm pretty sure I probably would have been thrown out of the airlock most likely by Worf who probably would have been the only one brave enough to try.... days after entering the ship, Jean-Luc.... well all of you have broken so many rules just allowing me to be anywhere and do the things I am allowed to do here"  Deanna and Pulaski smile at her.... "oh!.... these memories are not for me!"  Dezirae says when she ends up watching a "goodbye" between Deanna and Riker plus snipets of a few more "romantic" types of memories of other women Riker had all too quickly became infatuated with Deanna smiles at her and tells Pulaski who looks at her oddly "Commander Riker's emotions are rather passionate"  Pulaski asks "as in erotic?"  Troi replies "very much so"  Dezirae shivers with playful disgust making the other two women chuckle then Pulaski notices something on her console and says "the organisms responded all right their growth rate has doubled"  Deanna says with a worried tone "then all we've done is made things worse"  Pulaski says "now we know the organism's growth rate is related to the memories he's experiencing"  Troi says "or the emotions that they produce"  Pulaski says "different mental processes generate different chemicals perhaps the organisms are sensitive to brain endorphins"  Deanna says "then if some types of endorphins attract them...."  Pulaski says "others will repel them I'm going to change the differential current pattern and see what happens"  Dezirae whispers softly as she watches Tasha's death curious about the change in Riker's emotions "so that's how it happened!"  Deanna looks at her oddly "Tasha's death"  Dezirae says with a soft whisper-like tone Deanna nods as she begins to remember seeing Dezirae cry in the holodeck at the mere memory of Tasha's Memorial after she had met her many moons ago she looks at her friend as a tears softly flow down her eyes (The Child Season 2 Episode 1)  "I'm sorry!"  Dezirae whispers softly as she looks right back into Deanna's eyes Deanna looks at her confused Dezirae slides her hand over her stomach unsure how to say what she was seeing without making her friend relive it as well Deanna looks at her confused then starts to understand and a small sad smile graces her face not noticing the secret sadness that is shared between the other three Pulaski says "growth rate has definitely slowed what is he feeling? can you tell?"  Deanna replies her eyes not leaving Dezirae's "sadness"  Pulaski says "which is the opposite of before, and it's having the opposite effect on the infection"  Deanna replies "then your theory's correct the organisms are sensitive to different types of endorphins"  Pulaski concurs "and negative emotions...."  Deanna says "such as sadness...."  Pulaski says "produce endorphins that inhibit the organisms growth"  Deanna says with a hopeful tone "then we've found a way to repel the infection"  Pulaski replies "assuming we're not too late already"  Troi asks "how much time do we have?"  Pulaski replies "I'm not sure his vital signs are getting weaker I don't want to risk another dose of tricordrazine unless I have to I must refocus the pattern again we need to isolate memories that generate stronger negative emotions"  Dezirae asks curiously "such as anger or hate!?!"  Pulaski looks at her "well those emotions are strong and negative love is strong but a positive so I'm curious.... you never mentioned a change when he felt fear in the very beginning so...."  Dezirae says stopping before she quite possibly takes her words to far "he was on a Klingon ship as a crew member!?..... talk about unique experiences!"  Dezirae says with soft wonder Deanna chuckles a few seconds later Dezirae starts gripping the side of her neck as though she was trying to pull something no one could see off it (the parasitic being from Conspiracy Season 1 Episode 24) both Deanna and Pulaski look at her oddly "we've reduced the growth rate even further, but not enough and his vital signs are deteriorating"  Pulaski says as Dezirae places her hand back down at her side "but we've isolated the specific areas to stimulate the feelings were primal survival emotions"  Deanna replies "they must be producing a type of endorphin that's poisonous to the organisms"  Pulaski says "can't you intensify that emotion?"  Deanna asks "I can refocus the impulse pattern even tighter but I don't know if he can withstand it he's extremely weak"  Pulaski replies "do we have a choice?"  Deanna asks "no if we don't neutralize the infection, within half an hour he'll be dead"  Pulaski replies "have you all lost faith in your First Officer already!?! we all know how stubborn he can be he'll fight this to the bitter end damn be the consequences!"  Dezirae teases Deanna chuckles then says with a smile "she does have a point"  Pulaski looks at Dezirae and says with a curious tone "you haven't asked why we haven't gone with your suggestion"  Dezirae replies "I figured you were working up to it.... testing a few theories first besides just because I "suggest" something doesn't mean I automatically expect you to follow my "golden rule" after all you're the doctor and I hope you know better than I besides I could be wrong as well"  Pulaski chuckles....

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