The Ending And The Beginning

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So, I'm baaaaaaaaack :)
I hate this chapter...
But I'm sorry for taking such a long break! I love you all though
Getting two posters soon (Ed Sheeran and 5sos :)
Love you guys! Comment and all that crep x

Blake's POV•

So we went shopping and I went to Hot Topic to get all of my band tees which I'm pretty sure that I now own every single one of them that they carry...

But we also went out to lunch, Panda Express of course (Lol, I've never actually been there). The boys have a stash of extra clothes for whenever they spend the night, but I can never find it which makes me very curious considering that we have a fairly small apartment.

After we ate we can back home, the boys didn't want to go yet so we're watching a movie currently. However, I'm not paying any attention I'm going over everything that happened with Luke.

"God dammit, Blake! Why can't you just do one simple thing for me while I practice! You do nothing all day anyways!" Luke yelled at me. I never got scared of him, except for times like these when we got into screaming matches over the smallest things.

"Luke, please stop," I whimpered out, now unable to keep the tears from falling.

"No, you always do this! You always cause the fight then you cry and beg for us to stop yelling! I'm not going to stop this time, I always am the one to give in!" He was really scaring me now, he never yelled like this.

"Luke, I just-" then something unthinkable happened.

I tried to cover my face as his hand connected with my cheek. I stumbled backwards and he tried to move twords me. His once angry expression now softened after seeing me scramble backwards from him.

"Blake, I-"

"No, Luke. Don't come near me," I whispered as I got up and rushed upstairs.

"Yo, Blake," Ashton calls snapping me back to reality. "You want to head back to your room? You look really tired, still." He asks me, his eyes scanning my face looking for any sign of emotion.

"Um, sure," I reply with a smile.

I'll never forget that day. The day when everything changed between Luke and I. No one ever knew about that day. Ari is the only person that I've told about our relationship, but I didn't tell her about him hurting me. We're back in my room now, and its one in the afternoon. I put on some sweat pants and crawl into my bed, Ashton soon lying beside me.

"You know, I've been working on a new song," he says as he turns over to face me.

"Can I hear it?" Even though no one was around we were still whispering.

That's the thing about being close to someone in a dark room, it automatically makes you whisper as if you spoke any louder everyone in the world would be able to hear you.

"Sure," he says with a smile as he brushes back some of my hair.
"In a minute I was all packed up, I've got a ticket to another world. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go. Solid words are hard to speak, when your thoughts are all I see. Don't ever leave she said to me. When we both fall asleep underneath the same sun, time stops, I wish that I could rewind. So close but so far away, can you hear me? She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was beside you." He finishes and keeps stroking my hair in comfortable silence. I'll never understand why he says that he can't sing, I love the sound of his voice and I always will.

"That's amazing, Ash," I whisper to him. "What's the name of it?"

"I think that it'll be called Beside You once I'm finished with it."

There's talk of a new EP coming out, but they need four songs at least to put on it. I really hope that 'Beside You' will be one of them. I'm so proud of these guys, I've known them forever and Ari and I were the first ones to hear about their band, now they have fans everywhere who want them to come to their country.

I just hope that I can come on the tour...

Sorry! This is such a short chapter :'( and I don't even really like it...
What did you guys think? Love you! Comment and vote cause that makes my day :)

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