Once upon a wizarding world Part 35

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I watched intently as Hux and Phasma went up to the wardrobe as it was important to know enemies weaknesses everyone knows that. I watched particularly closely when Kylo went up to the wardrobe and when a death eater came out I was suprised.

I knew of Kylo's family of course I did. I maybe a muggleborn but I love to read and anyone in the wizarding world has to read about the Skywalker saga. Anakin Skywalker was turned into a great death eater named Darth Vader and some how Kylo's greatest fear was a death eater. They had to be more to it. 

The death eater had to represent a person maybe someone Kylo didn't want to become a death eater, maybe it was himself. 

I didn't have much time to dwell on the fact that Kylo had a fear of a death eater as it was my turn. When I stood up to the wardrobe I was suprised that I didn't see Palpatine or even my parents rejecting me. When I saw that it was myself standing in front of me I was more than simply  suprised. I couldn't understand why my Boggart was myself.

It immediately changed into a dark version of me

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It immediately changed into a dark version of me. I was dressed in a dark outfit and hooded cape. I was holding my lightsaber however the kyber crystal was red. I was sickly pale and my eyes were with yellow. I could hear everyone in the room gasp at what they were seeing. I think Neveille was scared out of his wits.

I cast Riddukulous on the Boggart and just before it turned into a stupid stuffed toy it bared its teeth. The teeth were sharp like a vampire. 

Luke quickly trapped the Boggart back into the wardrobe and told everyone class was over. He seemed as confused as I was and maybe even a little worried.

For the rest of the day I had several stares from not just multiple houses but from multiple year groups.

Kylo POV 

It's safe to say that Defence against the dark arts was an eventful class most people were still terrified of having to see their worst fears like the idiot Neville. For the rest of the day all I heard was gossip about the mudblood's Boggart which annoyed me. However it was funny to see how uncomfortable all of the stares she was getting made her. You would think that she would be use to all the attention by now being a hero and all.

To be honest her Boggart was very creepy and it was most deffinatly confusing. I have never known of someone's Boggart being themselves like that. Why would she be scared of herself. I guess maybe the red lightsaber had something to do with it maybe she didn't want to turn dark side. 

For the rest of the day I had to endure Hux and Phasma's chatter on how to use the fears of the little golden Gryffindorks against them. They were planning on having fun with pranks against all of Gryffindors on Halloween. By the time Halloween is around the Tri Wizarding tournament would have already begun but I couldn't be bother to tell them that. 

The rest of the week was boring we had a few more lessons with the Gryffindors like Herbology but nothing really exciting happened. The most exciting thing that happened after defence against the dark arts was sitting a spider on Finn's desk in Transfusion class. He screeched so loud that even the first years heading towards the library outside heard him. The look on his face was priceless. 

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