Once upon a wizarding world Part 36

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Since the other students have arrived Hogwarts has been packed. Beauxburtons and Durmstrang have both got special dorms inside the castle however even then it's still crowded. The great hall has an extension charm cast to accommodate everyone at meal times. The first breakfast with the others two schools almost made me claustrophobic.

Walking down the halls is a nightmare. I am helplessly clumsy sometimes and Finn is just a walking accident waiting to happen. Last year Finn came with me to go around the grounds and somehow he ended up so distracted he went straight into the lake. The extra students are nice to have around but they is defiantly more hazards to avoid now.

I have met a few of the new students from the other schools in passing around Hogwarts but haven't really made any friends yet like I really wanted too

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I have met a few of the new students from the other schools in passing around Hogwarts but haven't really made any friends yet like I really wanted too. I have already seen Kylo's gang trying to prank the Durmstrang boys I think it's because Hux and Kylo feel threatened by them. Kylo really hates not being the centre of the universe sometimes *insert eye roll*

It seems that lots of people have put their names into the goblet of fire since coming back to school. In the week that Durmstrang and Beauxburtons have been here nearly all of them have put their name in the goblet of fire. I can't really blame the older years for putting in their names as without quidditch this year they is hardly anything to do at all. 

Apparently the ones to look out for from the schools are Fleur and Viktor. Viktor is a famous quidditch star from Durmstrang. He is the one all of the girls are swooning over. Fleur is part veela so naturally all of the boys are head over heels for her. I have found out that Fleur was the blonde that Finn was staring at the night that all of the other students arrived to participate in the tournament.

Kylo POV

Those Durmstrang students are so annoying they think they are so superior to all of us in Hogwarts it's unbelievable. One of the Durmstrang boys actually pushed passed me yesterday, I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy. Everyone in Hogwarts knows not to push passed me or they will be consequences well everyone knows that except the golden gang who ignore it. 

Me, Phasma and Hux have successfully pranked 11 of the Durmstrang students with only one prank going wrong and almost getting us into detention with their headmaster. I would not like detention with the headmaster of Durmstrang academy he has that look about him that just radiates bad vibes. He looks like he is some kind of villain out of a crazy book with his yellow teeth and hellish laugh.

They is only  few more days left until the names are read out of the goblet of fire and everyone is excited

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They is only  few more days left until the names are read out of the goblet of fire and everyone is excited. Lots of people have tried putting in their names and I for one have to be truthful and say I tried. The ageing potion I used to try and put my name in was not flattering so I wouldn't recommend. I looked horrendous and hope that I don't actually look like that in the distant future. I was glad when I drank the antidote despite the questionable taste.

I haven't seen the mudblood near the goblet of fire which is good. I have a feeling that the stupid goblet would just let her put her name in it. Everyone loves Rey ,well apart from the Slytherins, which is ridiculous. I'm surprised that they haven't just placed a plaque in he great hall saying, Reyanna hero of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. 

Rey POV 

Today is the day that the names are going to be pulled out of the goblet of fire and the whole of Hogwarts is buzzing. 3 names will be pulled out of the goblet of fire one person from each school will be participating in the tournament. Rose is the most excited out of all of Gryffindor she just won't sit still for even a moment it's like watching a child high on sugary treats or Finn on Butterbeer. 

Everyone was gathered into the great hall at their respectable tables whilst the goblet of fire was brought to the centre front of the hall. Leia was the one that was allowed to get the names out of the goblet as she was the headmistress that was hosting the tournament this time around. Everyone was on the edges of their seats when Leia slowly walked over to the goblet. 

"Durmstrangs champion will be..." Leia got out a piece of paper from the goblet, " Viktor Krum! Congratulations." 

The Durmstrang table roared with life as Viktor made his way over to the teachers table

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The Durmstrang table roared with life as Viktor made his way over to the teachers table. 

"The Beauxburtons champion will be..... Fleur! Congratulations." 

Fleur curtsied as her table cheered for her and made her way to stand besides Viktor. 

"Now for our very own champion of Hogwarts....." 

Leia waited for a piece of paper but nothing came out. They were several gasps from around the room as to what was happening with the goblet of fire? Finally out from the goblet of fire jumped two pieces of paper. 

Kylo POV 

All of the students of Hogwarts watched as nothing came out of the goblet of fire. I along with several others was surprised that the goblet didn't immediately give out the champion for Hogwarts as it has never happened like this before. I have heard of the sorting hat taking its time but I would have never thought that the goblet of fire would pull such a trick. 

When two pieces of paper came out of the goblet of fire everyone went into an uproar. What the heck was happening?!

My mother cleared her throat as she looked at the folded up pieces of paper in her hands, "Well it seems the goblet has decided that two Hogwarts champions will make for a better tournament

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My mother cleared her throat as she looked at the folded up pieces of paper in her hands, "Well it seems the goblet has decided that two Hogwarts champions will make for a better tournament. Once we know who the individuals are we will make the appropriate arrangements accommodating for the extra champion." 

"The champions of Hogwarts are.....  Kylo and Reyanna!" her face turned pale and mouth dropped.

My heart stopped, eyes snapped to me and my eyes snapped off my mothers pale face and to Rey.

Silence was all that filled the whole hall. A range of emotions raged through me: confusion, fear, joy, anger and so many more. 

What on earth was happening?!

Thanks for the suggestion to make both Kylo and Rey compete in the tournament together. i love the twist that it gives to the story :) XxReySoloxX

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