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Waves crashed against the hull of the cargo ship as it made its' way through the ocean. It was carrying cargo from Japan to I-island before continuing over to USA. Unknown to the captain or the two heroes on board, they were also carrying a very special container. A green container with a small logo on its' side, depicting a blazing phoenix.

"I don't know how many more days I can take with this" Spinner complained. He was sitting in his own corner with his hands clutching his stomach. Another massive wave crashed against the hull, and for a moment Spinner turned even more green. "I really miss those portals now" He said once he was sure he could hold down the contents of his stomach.

"Well, we just have to learn to live without them now" Dabi said. He seemed much less fazed by the ocean sickness, sitting quite calmly on the bottom bed of a bunkbed bolted to the floor of the container. "It was either this or a small boat. If you think this is bad then I can promise you the other alternative would be much less forgiving ride" Dabi explained.

Spinner was about to speak up, but another wave made him stop. He quickly rushed up and into the walled of section that acted as a toilet for the passengers.

"I don't know how many more times I can handle hearing him barfing up his breakfast" Mushou said. She was laying on the top bed of another bunkbed. A wooden box was laying on top of her. Mushou had been sea sick herself for a few days, but luckily for her it had passed.

"Next time I'll make sure someone installs sound proof walls. It's getting on my nerves as well" Dabi mumbled mostly to himself.

The doors of the container then opened up, exposing the inside to the pouring rain outside. A water-soaked Todoroki stumbled into the container and quickly closed the door. "Next time, you do it" Todoroki said with a glare aimed at Dabi. The water started evaporating off his body as he started using his left side.

"You're the one with ice powers. You can handle the cold" Dabi retorted.

"And you can heat yourself up" Todoroki complained. His clothes were dry by now and he began climbing into the bed above Dabi.

"If you're going complain like children then I can take the next watch" Mushou said. "It's only 15 minutes. I've handled worse" She explained.

"Sure" Dabi responded nonchalantly.

"Anyway, do anyone of you know this Melissa?" Mushou asked.

"None of us even knew her name before that message from Deku" Todoroki replied.

"We only knew of her as the Tinkerer before that and not much else" Dabi explained. "But apparently she is vital to the contingency plans"

"Do you think she can fix my katana?" Mushou asked and glanced at the wooden laying on top of her.

"I think Melissa is more of an inventor than a blacksmith, I wouldn't count on it" Dabi replied.

"Well, she did make these throwing knives" Mushou said and began twirling one of said knives.

"What I'm wondering about is what this whole phoenix project thing is and why Melissa is so important to it" Todoroki said with a thoughtful look. "I can't remember Deku ever mentioning it and not in any contingency either"

"Deku mentioned the name once to me. Was shortly after we killed off the League. He said it was something he wanted to do, but that he lacked the technological skill to do it. But if failure leads to contingency 1-alpha, it must be really important" Dabi explained. "He never said what it was all about of course" He added with a slightly annoyed tone.

"I feel like he was that way with a lot of things" Spinner said as he came back to the main section of the container. He was looking slightly better than before.

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