Chapter 3-Meeting the Bad Sanses and others

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Your pov.

As we finished decorating the room we went downstairs to see Jae and Chun fighting for the last Kimchi. Ink looked so lost in thought while Classic was watching TV with Edge. Dream spotted me and damn.. he's too positive. I need a negative aura. I backed away a little when Dream came over. Seems like he notice but shrugged it off. "Y/n! I want you to know that the rest of the sanses are on their way to the au mansion so you can meet them!" He said. "Ok," was all I said to him. I went to get to the kitchen and on my way Blue came to me and asked, "HUMAN! THE SMALL HUMAN(Eun-ju is a bit smaller than you) SAID THAT YOU LOVE TO BE PETTED! WILL YOU LET ME PET YOU?" I looked at Blue with no emotion then said,"Sure you can pet me. Let me just take my pills." 

I guess Ink over heard and said,"What pills?" What he said got everyone's attention. Gosh dammit I hate getting all the attentions from people it's creepy and annoying as fuck. I looked at Ink and said, "I take pills so I won't freak out from any of your touch." Dream then looked at me with concern. "But, isn't pills bad for humans?""I took pills more than 100 years and I'm still alive." Everyone looked at me in shock except for my bros and Eun-ju. "What the hell do you mean a 100 years!""About that, I'm 1,241 years old."....."WHAT?!?!"

(time skip)

I was on the couch as Blue kept on petting me as I closed my eyes about to drift off to sleep as I enjoyed the soothing touch on my head. I heard the front door open as 9 skeletons walked in. One of the 9 was Stretch(Blue's brother)! I ran towards Stretch but when I was about to tackle him, but a tentacle grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up. I looked at the tentacle and saw it belonged to a gooey skeleton. "Ay goey fuck put me the fuck down or I'll personally dust you." The gooey fuck(lol) laughed and replied, "I'd like to see you try for a human like you." 

Pissed off, I growled as my voice lowered. "I sAiD PUt mE tHe FuCK dOWn." Nightmare looked amused but a bit cautious of me including some of the other sanses. I then harshly bit down on the tentacle that was holding me. Tasted like ink but eh... I tasted worse. "Arg!" He then dropped me and as I was about to land I twisted my body so I can face the ground and landed on my feet. I then hugged Stretch. I'm not the one for hugs but I missed him. "Hey Y/n. It's been a while hasn't it?" He said. "You bet. I miss you a lot." I said back letting him go. Red then came out and yelled, "You mad man! Where the fuck were you all these years!"Stretch then ruffled hers and my hair and said,"I had to deal with the human." Red and I then spoke up,"You mean that brat?" Stretch nodded. We looked back at the new sanses and introduces ourselves as they introduced themselves after. "Imma go to the kitchen now." Me and red said at the same time. We looked at each other and said, "Stop copying me." 

'I' meaning you guys are saying something at the same time.

I was fuming a little as red was getting mad. "Shut the fuck up!"....."Say something first."..."You bitch cut it off." Everyone looked at us as we fought trying to break the chain. As Red was about to punch me and I was about to stab her but I ended up cutting one of Corupt's tentacles off and Red's punch landed on Corrupt's face(Your corrupted personality). "....You IDIOTS(I got this line from that one video I watched)" he said pissed off.(you can change your gender so Corupt is in her male form right now.)"Oh Shit." We both said and Corrupt's tentacle stabbed me in the stomach as Red was choked to death. "Y/N!" Blue yelled as he saw me turn to dust(Lol, no one cares about Red. R.I.P Red). Dream and Ink was about to attack Corrupt.

The others were in shock except for Stretch, my bros, and dove. It became quiet but then I spawned in the air and fell on my own dust. Every sanses looked at me in surprise as I layed on the floor. "I'm crazy for laying down on my own dust." Was all I said. Horror then said to me, "If you can't die then can I have your head?" I looked at him and said, "Sur-" "Y/n! No more hurting yourself!" I looked at Jae with my eyes half lidded. I then looked at Horror. "Hurry chop off my head before Jae gives me another 1 hour talk." He then grinned and raised his axe and chopped my head off. I respawned again and Jae grabbed me by my hoodie and dragged me to dove's and my room. I took my mask off and mouthed the word 'help me' to Stretch but he just snickered. Oh you little devil. I looked at Dove and she gave me an apologetic smile. Fake tears ran down my face.

(Pretend you still have your mouth mask on)

Dove and Stretch sweat dropped when they saw me crying. Chang was just trying not to laugh and Chun mouthed the words 'that's what you get fucker.' Imma kill him later when I'm done being scolded at. Everyone either stared at me or tried not to laugh. I looked at everyone with a death glare except for Dove saying that I was going to kill them later. 


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Sanses in this story




Raven(birdtale sans)









Potato(farmertale sans.... thanks @thelifeofagachatuber for the name suggestion. Also sorry if I spelled your username wrong-)


Stretch(Because I'm editing this story to check and change things around I don't know about Stretch being one of your love interest so imma let you readers decide)

Dance(Dancetale sans)

Frisk from your au...(She's gonna be one of your love interest. Now, I know Frisk is a kid but in this story she is 27 years old. She's coming out later in the story same with your secret backstory of her and you.)


G(Idk what au he's from.. sorry)





Epic(epictale  I think idk-)

The Fallen Angel(Au sans x Angel)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now