Chapter One - Welcome to the Hunger Games

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A/N I have never seen the Hunger Games. I'm just doing this because there is a story like it on Wattpad. I'll probably dedicate this chapter to the person who wrote it. I'm not copying what they are doing, I'm just using the idea. I might use some of the same Youtubers, but that's because I watch them too. I'll try and inform you on who the people are. I don't want you to be confused.

*JacksFilm's PoV*

I stood in the weird arena. It was a platform, probably 100 feet wide, filled with people. The floor was made out of glass. I looked down and instantly regretted it. From up here, you couldn't see the ground. We were up high. Somewhere where a plane would fly. Maybe even higher than a plane. I looked around and recognized a few people. Pewdiepie was here. He was scared and looking around. He was probably trying to find someone he was friends with. I also recognized Markiplier, Matthias, and Tobuscus. The other people just looked like blobs. I couldn't see them very well. I didn't know how many people were here. I heard a sound and some people ran forwards. Other stood in place, frozen. The others, like me, ran away. I was scared the glass would break. Whoever would be on the glass would just fall to their death. That wouldn't be a pleasing way to go.

I ran away from the middle. I knew people would be killed there. I wouldn't die so early in the game. I could feel the glass under my feet. Terrified for my life, I kept running. I wondered if it would break during the game. I heard the screams of people. They were just screaming at each other. I couldn't tell if it was out of fear or if it was supposed to be a battle cry. I heard a few voices screaming for their friends. I guess there would be teams out there. I didn't expect people to just kill each other. It seemed rather morbid. I thought that they were friends and wouldn't hurt each other. That wasn't the case. They attacked each other. One person ran past me screaming bloody murder. A knife stuck out of the back of her leg. Just then, she fell to the ground; a knife stuck out of the back of her head. I looked behind me and saw someone running right at me I instantly took off. I could hear the person's feet slapping the ground. Once you left the main place, there was ground. It was concrete beneath our feet. If you fell on that, it would hurt. Your skin would be scraped off of your legs and arms.

I didn't dare look behind me. I had to escape this person. I kept running. The person was still behind me and I was out of breath. I was wheezing from the lack of air. I felt like I couldn't run anymore. I had done that p90 workout, but it hadn't prepared me for this. I needed to stop. My brain kept telling me to stop but I wouldn't. If I knew the person didn't have a weapon, I would stop. I was pretty sure this person was the one who had shoved a knife into some person's leg. The person who had thrown a knife into the same person's head. That meant that they had a weapon and they weren't afraid to kill.

"Jack, why are you still running?" Someone asked. The voice was quiet and I knew it came from the person behind me. I didn't know who they were. I wanted to know, but I couldn't look back.

"Who are you?" I shouted, feeling weak.

"You don't know me. I just don't see why you're still running. I'm obviously going to win," he said. I heard his footsteps disappear. He must have stopped, I thought. Just as that thought went into my mind, I felt something. I was slammed into the ground; colliding with the hard concrete. "I'm going to win," he said again, slamming my head into the concrete. His hands grabbed my hair and he brought my head back into the ground. I felt blood rushing out of my nose. I heard a crack as my nose split. I felt my vision darken as my consciousness faded. It only took one more slam and I was pretty much gone. I heard the person laugh slightly and I felt them flip me over; searching me for supplies. The person left along with my consciousness.

*AntVenom's PoV*

I had been thrown into a place. I didn't recognize it but I knew what it was. Something in my mind told me what to do. I had to fight. I had to kill. Something clicked in my head and I ran forwards. Some people ran away from spawn, while others stayed in place. A few ran to center with me. I opened a chest and grabbed everything. I turned and slashed someone's leg open. I heard them scream and they ran off. The blood was pouring from their leg. I grabbed the throwing knives I had and aimed at the person's head. It connected and they dropped. Someone looked back at me and started running. I took off after them. The chase went on for a while. When I finally caught him, he was shocked. I expected him to have something. After I killed him, I searched him. Nothing was on him. He didn't have anything of any sort.

I grunted and got up. I was going to need people to trust me. If people watched me kill them, they wouldn't trust me. The more people that trusted me, the more people I could kill. I would simply stab them when they weren't looking. I would be a back stabber; literally and figuratively. I started off again. I hadn't gotten any blood on me and I knew I needed to keep it that way. I still had all my weapons except for the knife. I grabbed my machete out of my bag and started walking. I needed to find more people. I was going to be victorious. I was going to win this stupid game. I didn't care how many I would kill. I needed to do this.

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