Free Hearts

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Thank you to Sauron_is_angryNarsil_AndurilTeresSue, and jijifiji for commenting and voting on the previous chapter!

Thank you to Sauron_is_angrylegends_and_myths7, and IsilrielOfMirkwood for adding this book to their reading lists! Means the world.

Dale lay in desolation, its crumbling buildings laid bare. Bodies littered the streets; those of men, elves, orcs, and trolls. The survivors of Laketown had withdrawn to the last standing structures to rest, too weary even to clean the streets.

Thranduil nodded to the triumphant souls he passed; their faces as haggard as his. He and his company made their way to the far regions of the city, where the elven tents rested. About a third of his army remained and, though tired and bloody, the elves hailed their King.

Thranduil replied with a single command. "Rest." And went to follow his own advice.


Bard peeked tentatively into Thranduil's tent, it had been two days now since the end of the battle and he wondered if the elf King still slept.

He met the commanding eyes of Mirkwood's monarch and stepped inside. Thranduil pressed a goblet of wine into his hands and gestured for him to be quiet.

"I thank you for your aid," Bard said, turning the goblet in his hands. "We would not be here without you."

"It took more than me to win this war," Thranduil answered. "We were all in it together and that is the only reason we stand here now. You have your home back. And the gold to rebuild it."

"I wish I could say the same for you."

"The forest will grow back," Thranduil said. He smiled. "Your condolences are most kindly accepted."

"Hem!" growled a voice, and Bard turned to meet Thorin's level stare.

"I demand a moment alone with King Thranduil."

Bard put down his empty cup, nodded to the Kings, and retreated. Thorin watched the tent flaps dispassionately until they stilled.

"Do not tell me you are here with condolences as well," Thranduil said, a hint of a smile in the corner of his eyes.

In his cot, Brenen stirred and his brothers also shifted. At Thranduil's glare, Thorin managed to key his voice down a notch. He brought out a flat case from his belt, followed by a large pouch of black velvet and set them down on the table.

"Given the past," he said. "I figure you are owed these at least."

Thranduil knew without looking the sparkling jewels of white starlight lay in the darkened receptacles. He bowed his head. "I thank you for your gift, Thorin."

"I know you did not come for the jewels," Thorin answered. He shifted and Thranduil eyed him keenly.

"I had hoped you and your bending friends might craft a jewel akin to Realn's crystal to replace the Arkenstone," Thorin finally admitted.

Thranduil tilted his head. "After all we have been through, I consider that a fair request. It shall be presented to you at your coronation."

"The ceremony will be held in two days," Thorin said. He glanced at Brenen. "I know the battle took its toll on many."

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