Arc I : Prologue - Normal life of a weird girl [Re-edited]

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Hello! This is my very first story! So please do not judge how much I suck at writing because writing is not really my cup of tea.

Feedback are appreciated but just sugar-coat it just a little please!

Your name is ____ by the way (because I'm just to lazy writing "(name)" all the time.


"Alright!" you shouted as you fist pump in victory. You were playing your beloved Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U (or 3DS) with your best friends Anna in her houses living room.

"Aww... Dammit..." she groan as she slides her controller (or 3Ds) on the couch beside her. "Stop using (Your main in Smash)! I can never beat you with him/her/it!" She whined but you didn't care. You won.

"Too bad for you then." you replied as you stick your tongue out towards her. She pouted as she put the controller (Or 3DS) away.

"Hey I'm starving! Do you have any snacks like I don't know ice cream?" you asked Anna as you also put the controller (Or 3Ds) away.

"Dude ____... It's winter." Anna replied to you giving you a weird look.

"So? Ice cream is delicious." you remarked with a stupid comeback.

"Oh shot! I gotta go! I have to babysit my little brother!" you exclaim as you checked your iPhone for the time. It was 4:46 pm.

"Okay but I want a rematch without your stupid (Main in Smash)!" Yelled Anna as you put your coat and shoes on.

"LOL no." you replied as you open the door and exited her house. (If you have a 3DS then you brought it along with you)

You felt the Saturday afternoon winter breeze hit your face.

This may seem dark and deep all of the sudden but to you, winter represents "Death" or "The End".

It first starts with Spring which is birth, everything is made. The flowers are buds about to go through florescent.

Then Summer comes in, where the adult life starts. Where the things that bloomed in Spring will be fully grown. Like how an apple blossom will turn into an apple.

Then Autumn where everything is dying, the things that's grown is withering and falling. The trees turn into a beautiful red, yellow and orange color but dying.

And then Winter. Plant life is nowhere to be seen. Everything is dead.

You've always thought of it that way and you always will.

You live really close to Anna so going to your house won't be much of a problem. You head towards the direction of your house and when your house was in yonder, you ran towards it mainly because you just want to get out of the freezing winter cold.

As soon as you were on your porch you grab out your keys from your pocket and unlocked the door and went inside. You felt the warm heat of the radiator as soon as you entered your house.

"I'm home!" You yelled as you closed and lock the door behind you and took off your shoes and ran upstairs. "Hey..." said your little brother as he was playing Smash. You went into your room as you put your coat away and jumped on the bed.

You stared into nothingness but seconds past as you felt your eyes getting heavy. Darkness covered around your eyes as you felt tired. Your consciousness was fading away but you ended up falling in the abyss.

So is your life in winter or spring?


Welcome to Author's corner.

So how you like the prologue?
You didn't like it because your favourite character wasn't here?
Don't worry I'll add him/her/it soon. Just be patient. Patience will bring you good things in life.

I know it was short but come on. It's the prologue. But Chapter one will be longer... maybe... Anyway Please vote if you enjoy (because I will sadly do this!)

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