Chapter 18

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Hey friends, this is going to be an interesting chapter. There's just going to be a lot of bad stuff... so yeah.
Kaito's POV
Gakupo had been sick the past couple days, so I decided that after school I would go visit him. He insisted that I stayed home, but I wanted to go. So, I let my day go on like normal. I sat down with Len and his group.
"Hey guys!"
"Hi Kaito!" Fukase grinned at me. He had stopped wearing the mask a month ago.
"How are you?"
"I'm great!"
Lunch went on like that, just with mindless chatter. Gakupo may have not been the best conversationalist, but he was nice to have when talking to people.
I sat down in my next class, math. This had always been one of the most boring classes. I know math is helpful and all that, but that didn't make it less boring. I went from class to class until it was finally the end of the day.

Piko's POV
I leaned on my locker while music blasted through my headphones. I hummed along softly, until I saw Len walk up to me.
"Yeah, Len?"
"Have you seen Gakupo?"
"I haven't seen him in a couple days," I looked back down at my phone. Len clearly wanted to ask more about past events, but decided against it and just walked away. I turned up my music to full blast again and started walking home. Once I sat down at my desk, I yawned. I knew I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before, so I just decided to lay down and take a nap. It would only last an hour max, and I had to do my homework well. I felt my body drift off into nothing.

Kaito's POV
After school, I started to walk home. I planned on putting something more casual, do my homework, and then head over to Gakupos house. Once I got inside, I dropped my bag at the door and went upstairs to search my wardrobe. I settled on some jeans and a blue tshirt with a little ice cream cone embroidered at the top. I sat down on my bed with my laptop and opened my half done essay that was due tomorrow.
I looked at the red marks on the paper. One of them said "thesis not clear enough". What's that even mean? I looked it up, and before I knew it, it was already 1 in the morning. I cursed myself for waiting this long to do an essay, and then decided to go to Gakupos house. Knowing him, he'd still be up.

Pikos POV
I focused all of my attention on the essay due tomorrow. I already had the majority of it done, but I needed something to get my mind off everything. Ever since the incident, I hadn't been this close to Gakupo. I realized at this point I had a choice if I wanted to be friends with him. Now it wasn't just the two of us. People could get hurt. I finished up my essay around 11, and then watched Netflix until later that night.

Kaitos POV
After knocking on the door with no response, i tried to open it. When I realized the door was unlocked I felt a blanket of fear wrap around me. Gakupos too paranoid to leave the door unlocked.
"Gakukun?" I yelled. No response came. I started searching the other rooms, the last one being the bedroom.

Alrighty here we go, trigger warnings for homophobia (idk if that triggers people but yeah) and stuff about suicide...

On the bed was a note folded neatly. Around it, there were crumbled up sheets of paper. I opened up the note.
Dear whoever's reading this,
I'm sorry. I really tried to move on from everything and learn to manage everything but I can't. It's like there's a ghost following me around no matter what I do. Then came along all the things people said. It was like the voices in my head people told me not to listen to were out in the real world. Everything they said sounded true. If it's Kaito reading this, I just want you to know that you made me so happy. You brought the joy into my life that I needed to survive this long. I love you so much, never forget that.
This.... This was a suicide note. I looked through the papers and found notes having horrible things on them and drawings of people hanging off gay flags and someone's wrist bleeding rainbow. I had to find him, I had to convince him this wasn't what needed to happen. I sprinted out of his house and began searching for him.

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