Chapter Twenty

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Kaito stayed strong. He didn't abandon him no matter how hard Gakupo pushed him away. It was a rocky path that they took, but they did it together. Kaito went to the school and told them what had been going on, though that probably wouldn't change much. Gakupo got a therapist, and then he started talking to Piko a bit more, trying to rebuild what they had before. It had been a couple of months since the "incident". That was when Gakupo made. a tough decision.
After being sent out into the world of being a vocaloid, you are meant to lose contact with your guardians. Contact is not illegal, but looked down upon. Vocaloids need to mature faster, which means taking care of themselves. This way they can start building fame from a younger age. Sometimes, the caretakers would notice them when watching tv, and remember all of the memories they created with them.
Gakupo's story was different. For a while it was broken into pieces that were scattered in the far ends of the world. Him and Piko were alike in that they were made of recycled parts. Almost an amalgamation of different canceled vocaloids. But the main one he was created from was by Addison Tanako. She was a very smart woman, who unfortunately was lower down in the workplace because she was a girl. That is mostly why her vocaloid ended up canceled. Then two people came in with the ideas of Piko and Gakupo. Aki Goya was the one who created Gakupo. He was selfish and cruel, hurting others until they obeyed him. He did this to Gakupo. So, he decided that he wanted to pay him a visit. He wanted to know Ali's motives when he did what he did. So, he went to find his answers.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Kaito asked, standing outside the large office building.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll come out in a bit," he kissed him on the cheek, then walked in. Immediately, he felt a cold energy coming from each room. Something about the area made him want to throw up, but he moved on until he found a nameplate outside an office.
Aki Goya
He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
At first, they didn't recognize each other. Gakupo seemed like a random teenager knocking on his door, while Aki looked like amy other employee. He had black hair and green eyes with glasses. He wore business attire, like anyone else in the building. After staring at Gakupo for a moment longer, he smirked.
"Look at you," he said. "You're fully functional," something about the sentence was off putting, almost like he was treated like a broken machine that was tossed out into the world anyways.
"Almost," Gakupo responded, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Well, come on in."
Gakupo followed behind him and looked around the office. He hasn't seen it before.
"So, what brings you here?"
"I want to- no, need to know why you separated me from Piko, and why you sent me out into the world knowing that I was... broken."
"Does someone have emotional trauma? Not my fault, I didn't think you were coded well enough to retain human emotion," He sat down at his desk. Gakupo nervously fidgeted  with his sleeve.
"I didn't come here for some catchup, I want to know why you did what you did."
"Deadlines, something's just had to get cut back on," Aki shrugged.
"Whether you like it or not i'm just as human as you,"
"Because you make mistakes? Wait, you are one. You asked me if I would go back and not do what I did, and the answer to that is absolutely. In the end you costed us more money then what we got out of it."
"Stop treating me like I'm some non sentient being."
"Well, vocaloids may not be non sentient, but you, you're far from ever being one of them. You're just a bunch of scraps and half assed code," He began typing, as if the whole situation meant nothing to him.
"It's not my fault I was created! I just want to know why I was created!"
He sighed, "Sure, I'll waste more of my time. Crypton was on the rise, and we were falling back. We needed something quick, and we created you. Luckily since you stalled we could create Gumi, who did much better than you," Gakupo sighed and walked out, he wasn't going to get the answers from him that he wanted to hear. He was hearing the cold hard truth, and it hurt. But he wasn't going to let it bother him anymore. So what, he was a bunch of scraps, it's a miracle he even still functions. He stepped outside and saw Kaito.
"How'd it go?" He asked.
"Horrible," Gakupo responded, laughing.
"Come on, it doesn't matter. Let's just walk home, maybe watch a movie at your house."
"Oh come on, we went to my house last time! It's your turn!"
"But mine's a wreck!"
"Fine,"Kaito kissed him on the cheek.
It was an overcast day, with dark grey clouds taunting them. As they walked to Gakupo's house, they felt a sprinkle of rain coming down. Eventually, it started pouring."Gakukun, come on!"
Kaito turned around and saw him standing still, looking up at the sky smiling.
He likes the rain
Gakupo laughed to himself, getting soaked in rain water.
"Come on!" He took Kaito's hand and twirled him. They laughed together, dancing in the rain.
Finally, they rushed to Kaito's house and went into the entry hallway.
"I'm soaked" Gakupo laughed, looking at his wet clothes.
"Just take off your jacket," he responded.
"I don't have anything on underneath it."
"Well that's fine!" Gakupo blushed as Kaito laughed.
"What!" Kaito kissed him. "I can get you a shirt from upstairs?" he said.
"Okay," Kaito went upstairs and grabbed a tshirt, and when he came downstairs he saw that Gakupo took off his sweatshirt, and was hugging it to his chest.
"Oh shut up," he took the shirt and put it on. It was a plain black t-shirt with an embroidered gay flag.
"You're cute," he kissed him, and sat down to choose a movie.
That night, Kaito fell asleep on Gakupos shoulder, while they shared a blanket. They may have been through a lot, years of hiding feelings, relationships with others, bullying, and mental illnesses, but in the end they got through it together, and that was all that mattered.
Holy shit. I'm going to get sappy, so if you don't want to see that don't read this authors note. I know I don't have the greatest of writing and that this doesn't have the greatest story line, but it's always going to have a special place in my heart. I started this fic over a year ago and started rewriting it almost a year ago. This was my first ever fanfic idea and I can't believe I followed through until the end. This story has followed me for the longest time with different endings and different plots, but this is the one I finally stuck with. I'm so happy I was able to finish, and I really do hope you did enjoy this fic. There's just a lot of shit that's happened while creating this and ugh, yeah. I'm almost writing this long note because I know once I hit publish, this is over. This thing that I took so long to develop and rewrite and finish is going to be done. It's not going to matter next month, and it's just going to become one of those things that I look at that I forgot about, like when I look back at old art. So good bye to you readers that's primarily my friend, good bye weird storyline, and goodbye not as it seems.

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