Chapter 20: Flirty Endeavors.

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Yeah, this chap is short. Hope you guys enjoy it tho. It might be a little boring but I needed to make a chap. to move me into the next events. Mmkay. I'll leave you to read now. Love ya!!



Heal the world .... :).

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I shot up on the bed when I heard my ringtone for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Ughhh, what..?" I said, groggily, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Likkle gyal, yu betta be happy it ah storm outside or else mi woulda find yu an snatch yu up." (Translate: little girl, you better be happy it's raining outside or else I would've found you and snatched you up.), my aunt yelled from the other line.

"Sorry Aunty, I'm just tired from the first day of work."

"Oh, you better fix that tone! Anyways, the family is coming over tomorrow after church. So be prepared. And where are you?!"

"Arghhh...." I mumbled with displeasure. I hated seeing my family. "And I'm at a friend's house. I'll be home later after the storm passes."

"Oh no, which 'friend's house' are you at?"

"I'm at William's house."

"That nice white boy? Tell him I said hi. And you better not be in the same room right now!"

"Ok I will Aunty and we're only sleeping."

"That's what they all say. See you later."

"Ok. Bye." I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" William asked, scaring me half to death.

"My Aunty. She said hi."

"Oh. Ok. Why don't you wanna see your family?" He questioned on. Gosh he's so inquisitive.

"Because..." I sighed, "my dads side of the family doesn't like me because I'm half white. They think that I think I'm better than them, so they've always picked on me until I was old enough to fight back. Now they just ignore me." I sighed again, letting him know the truth.

"Oh. If you can't join them, beat them up." He smiled jokingly. I playfully punched him on the chest.

"Come on, you must be starving." He pulled back the covers and got out the bed, grabbing my hand.

We reached his kitchen, which was beautiful and elegant.

"What do you want to eat? He asked, standing in front of the fridge. I sat down at his island counter and thought.

"Bacon pancakes!" I exclaimed, saying it a little more excited than I meant it to be.

"Ok. And what kind of coffee?"

"French vanilla." I smiled at him. "god, your so fucking hot!" I thought to myself, looking at his great physique.

"Well, my name is William, but you can call me that too. And thank you." He smirked.

"Oh my goodness, I didn't mean to say that out loud..." My face started to get hot from embarrassment.

"It's okay. I know I'm hot." I could hear the smile in his voice. He's so cocky. But not overly cocky.

I watched his muscles move as he flipped the pancakes like a pro. I bit my lip, trying not to walk up behind him and rub him all over.

"It's finished." He said, setting the food in front of me and ripping me from my thoughts.

I took a bite and fell in love. This boy was sexy, smart, a good-kisser, really sweet and caring, and a great cook! My goodness!

I basically had an orgasm from the food. It was just so good, I couldn't help but take seconds....and thirds.

"That was delicious." I told him, licking the syrup off my lip and wiping my mouth.

"Thanks." He smiled.

" got some...whip cream on your lip." I laughed at him.

"Oh really? Would you care to take it off?" He replied.

"Sure!" I shrugged, getting up and slowly licking it off his lips to drive him crazy. Then I nibbled at his lips, pulled away, and moved back to the seat next to him.

" gotta stop...or I'm going to have to repay you..." Yup. I definately got him.


I was dazed as she teased me. I'm going to have her, now. I've felt something for her since the first time we talked. I don't care what my parents say, she is mine. And she's not going anywhere.

"Kennise...will you go on a date with me?"

"William...I don't know about this..."

"Come on. One date isn't gonna hurt!" I smirked. I could see her starting to give in.

"Fine. You're lucky the storm subsided. And I need some clothes."

"Okay, let's like totally go shopping!!" I squealed, pretending to be a girl. She laughed at me and gave in.

"I need a towel, rag, and a toothbrush. Plus I need two soaps, body washes, and toothpastes." She demanded, getting up from her seat.

"God Kennise! You cleaning up for two? Look under the sink in my bathroom."


~1 hour later~


I did my hygiene routine and put on the clothes I wore yesterday, seeing as how I had nothing else to wear.

I quickly dialed my Aunty and told her that William asked me out and I would be home a little late.

"You ready?" I asked William as he entered the room, fully dressed.

"Yeah. Lets go."

*The Date*

William bought me this really pretty casual dress- that stopped mid-thigh-, some heels, and a matching jewelry set.

We went to this Italian restaurant where he told me he usually goes to.

"So, tell me why your rich and have a job white boy?" It was my turn to do the questioning.

"Because I hate my parents and chose to work to get away from them. Plus, I love fashion."

"Hate's a strong word." I scolded him.

"Yeah, well, I do hate them."


"Because, they are racist shitbags and I just so happen to love black people- especially women."

"Oh wow." Was all I could say. I was kinda shocked by the fact that he preferred black girls.

"Yeah.." He said, then it went silent.

After a few awkward minutes, he broke the silence and started a conversation about movies, and that led to more topics.

This was the most fun I've ever had on a date. I'd definitely do it again.

Then, Romeo walks in...WITH ANOTHER GIRL!! My life...

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It's short, and boring. But I needed something to allow me to flow into my next scene. Please bear with me. :). Love you guys. Peace and chicken fat.

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