6:30 A.M.

20 1 0

I swung my stick, mostly just trying to keep them away. One looked at me and hissed like an angry cat. I swung my stick at it. It jumped back. They were literally roosters without feathers, except for the squeaking noises they made. One launched itself toward Mary. She hit it as if she was in a baseball game, and the Compy was the ball. It let out a horrible squeak as it flew to the side. "There's to many!" Mary said. "Is there a tree or something we can hide at?" I asked her. She looked up to look around, then back at the Compies. She looked up again. Her eyes brightened. "There!" She said pointing to a Jeep, just sitting there. It wasn't in the best shape either. "Go, go!" I said running. I jumped in the front seat. Mary got in the passenger side. I tried to start it. It started, then stalled. "Come on, come on, come on!" I said frustrated. I tried I again. It stalled. The Compies were on the hood of the Jeep, jumping up and down like they were proud of what they did. I tried again. A Compy screeched at the front window. The car started. I swear, the instant the car started, the radio turned on and literally honestly started playing DEJA VU from Hurricane Hunter. I would have busted out laughing if it weren't for the situation. I hit the gas. It went flying, and so did the Compies for that matter. I went along the trail for a bit, then Mary groaned. I stopped. "What's the matter?" I asked. She pulled up her leg. It had a very faint bite mark on it. "One of the Compies nipped me." She said, trying to shake off the pain. "Here." I grabbed my penknife and cut off a part of my shirt, then I grabbed my water bottle and soaked it. "Clean it out with this." I said handing it to her. She rubbed it on her leg. She closed her eyes tightly to try to stop the burning pain. I pulled out my map. I looked at it for a minute. I put it down and took a deep breath. Then I heard something. The ground shook. I looked in the rear view mirror. It was the New dinosaur. It let out a hissing growl that I thought I would never hear again (Not that I wanted to hear it again.). Now I could see it in full color. Most of the body was black, with tan spots. It looked almost as if it had armor, and it had spikes on its crest, back, and very sharp ones on its tail. I hit the gas and we went downhill really fast. "Tree!" Mary yelled. I swerved out of the way. "Tree, or dinosaur." I said. There was another tree in front of us, and I could see the decked out Cryo right behind us. I swerved again, hoping it would run into the tree. It ran into the tree, only to destroy it on contact. It roared again. Then the car shut down. I pushed the gas. Nothing worked. We were still moving because we were still going downhill. There was a 20 foot cliff ahead, with a lake under it. The car hit a rock, the Cryo rammed it, only to send us flying through the air.

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