The Trail

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After walking for a bit, I started to wonder if I was going the right way. "Do you know where we are?" Alex asked. "Not exactly, but I have a feeling!" I said. "Wow thats, really reassuring." She said sarcastically. I looked to my side. Jeffrey was right there. I picked him up. "I really hope I can keep him." I said. "Why couldn't you? Oh, oops, I forgot, he's a dinosaur!" Tom said like I was brainless. I starred at him. "Sadly, He has a point. You couldn't put him on a plane or you'd get arrested." Kat said. "I'll figure out a way." I said, petting his head. I stopped and looked around for a second. There was a clearing right up ahead. I ran towards it. It was a four-wheeler trail. "Ok if we fallow this we'll definitely get to civilization." I said. We walked up ahead a ways, when I turned around and seen Lucas talking to Mary. I grinned. They looked good together.

-Lucas's Pov-
As we were walking I seen Mary and remembered what Logan said to me. I walked over to her nervously. "Hey Mary! Can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure, what's up." She said. "So, ummm, what's your favorite dinosaur?" I asked just thinking how stupid that sounded out loud. Mary looked at me like she was actually thinking. "Definitely a Dilophosaurus. Just the really pretty colors that get me. How bout you?" She asked me. I thought of the dinosaurs I did know. "Maybe," I paused. I looked at Jeffrey. "A Raptor." I said. She nodded her head up and down and grinned. "Not bad." She said nudging my shoulder. "So I was wondering," I started nervously. "When we stop somewhere tonight, we could do something, just you and me?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't say no. She smiled. "Alright, I approve." She said. I silently mouthed, "Yes!". "Ok then, I guess we'll talk tonight then?" I asked. "Yup." She said smiling. I ran up to Logan.

-Logan's Pov-
Lucas ran up to me all excited. "What's up with you?" I asked. He was literally dancing. "Do you have to pee? Just pick a bush." I said. "No! I'm just really excited! I just asked Mary on a date!" He said. "No way, that's awesome!" I said. "I wish I had a date." I said not expecting for that to come out of my mouth. "He looked towards Beth. "No way, not right now." I said. He looked at me. "Ok, fine. I'll think about it." I said hoping it would get him to stop. "Ok." He said walking away. I turned around Tom and Robin were talking to each other, Kat and Isaiah were talking to each other, not to mention Lucas and Mary, and James and Whitney. Poor Alex was in the back all by herself. "I hope she finds someone." I thought feeling bad for her. The trail lead to a main road, and no kidding, there was a shopping district right there. James ran out in front of us with his arms out. "Civilization!" He yelled. We all laughed. Then one of the buildings caught my eye. A big lit up sign that said, FERNCLIFF ARCADE. "Hey guys!" I yelled. I pointed to the arcade. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
We walked into the arcade. The registration person was behind the counter. "Hey guys. I'm Chuck, how y'all doing today?" He asked us. "Eeeh, you wouldn't believe us if we told you." Mary said. Chuck's eyes got wide. "Wow it looks so lifelike!" He said pointing to Jeffrey who I completely forgot I was holding. I set him on the table. Jeffrey screeched at him. "Hey it's ok boy." I said grabbing him. "Wait, is that real?" He said looking pale. "Yup." I said thinking, "This is old news!". "Ok, where did you get him!" He said wide eyed. "Long story, anyway, I was wondering if we could have tickets to play." I asked. "He finally snapped out of it. "Oh yes, tickets," he paused. "Ok that'll be, $44.56." I checked my pockets. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill. James walked up ahead and slapped a fifty dollar bill on the table. "TheGamingBeaver!" He said like his mind had just blown. "Ok, for having a real dinosaur, and having TheGamingBeaver here, I think you guys can play for free!" He said. We all cheered. "Thank you sir." I said walking to my friends. "What should we do first?" I said looking at my friends. We all started laughing and started playing games.

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