King of New York

49 4 111

(trigger warning)

Race's POV

As ise is walkin back ta Jacobi's, I start feelin all my battle wounds and wonderin,

Should we have neva gone through wit dis?

Den I start rememberin da fight. One thing is eatin me at da back of my mind,

I saw Spades bein chased by two policemen.

I gotta go and check what happened. As I'm tryin ta decide, two sides of my mind are fightin ova what I should do.

Dey could beats you to a pulp.

So? Deys could've beaten her too.

She can handle herself.

I'll just check.

If deys turn on you?

Then I'll fight.

Fight for your life again? Voluntarily?

I can't just let dem hoit my friend!

Dats all she is?


Den why are you stickin your neck out for
only a friend?

Because she's da best I've eva had.

People don't risk there lives for just friends.

But before ise can get anymore indecisive about where I stand wit her, I see a figure lyin on da ground unconscious, a couple of bruises, especially around the arms, and bleedin from da forehead.

How could anyone inflict dis much damage?

It's makin my stomach churn, so I turn away- wait

Is dat...

I see a top hat come inta view and feel tears well up around my eyes as I look at Spades unconscious on da streets. Ise don't what ta do, but none da less, I take off my vest, somehow try ta tie it around her forehead in attempts ta stop da bleedin, then Ise picks her up and bring her back ta Jacobi's; it's all I can do.

Is she even breathin?


I burst through da doors, and before anyone can ingest da gravity of da situation, Albert starts makin comments.

"Racer, carryin da lucky gal through da threshold? Oh no I got it, between last night and da fight ya tired her out."

"Da ya see her Al?" I roar, all of da boys seem surprised by how angry I am. I shove everything off da table and set her down on it. Den I call for bandages. "Do you see our fallen fighta lyin half dead ova a stupid jack-up? I don't know if she's gonna make it, and youse can just joke around like dis?" I spit out da woids through tears, I try ta push dem away and help her, but dey just keep comin. All of da boys is lookin at me in shock, some a little scarred at how passionate I am about dis.

"I'm sure she'll make it." Davey tries ta sooth. I stare daggas at him and respond,

"Are ya sure? Did dey teach ya all about it in school?" When he didn't respond, I press on further, gettin angrier wit each woid. "No I don't think dey did! Youse might be leadin all of us to a fate like dis, school boy, and ya wouldn't know it, because youse ain't one of us. Do your folks let you get hoit like dis, all ova some pennies!?" He's is just stunned and can't respond for a while, ise just scoff, "I thought not. Wes look out for one anudda, at least we was supposed ta." I just look down at Spades layin on da table before me, and finish wit, "You'll neva be one of us." Everyone just stays silent, probably more scarred dan dey was before. Once I finish wrappin up her wounds, I give her a few moments, den I call her name softly.

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