Once and for All

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Once we had returned home, almost everyone was eidda sittin or layin down. Our strike leada was a scab, our voice of optimism's gone, and we don't know how many newsies bought inta dat Jack's act.

Right when I gave myself a voice.

Ise is rememberin back ta when I was up on stage, and I felt dis... dis electric current of energy in a way. Dis sense of excitement that people could hear me. They was listenin. People cared about my thoughts and opinions and was takin me for someone serious who knew what she was talkin about.

It can't end now.

Before I know what I'm doin, ise has jumped onta a bunk.

"Hey!" I call there attention, ise is seein heads turn towards me, some is confused, some annoyed. "Are ya just gonna give up now? Just because Jack da imbecile ain't wit us anymore?"

"Give it up Spades, da strikes ova." Emo skittery states.

"Why?" I ask.

"Our leada sold us out ta da bulls! Said da cause was hopeless!If he don't got any faith in dis why should we?" He argues.

"Why do any of us give a f*ck about cap'in Jack?" I ask, ta which da boys look at me through large shocked eyes.

"Hes- HES our leada. He started da w-whole thing." Jojo stuttas out.

"What else did he do for dis strike? Lead Crutchie ta da refuge and give a few speeches?" I ask bluntly.

"Dat could have just as easily been us!" Albert points out.

"Not quite; we all have 4 woikin and able ta use arms and legs. Crutchie should've neva been at dat fight." None of da boys look completely certain yet, so I continue on. "Think about it. Weasel wouldn't have sent for da bulls if he wasn't scared! Pulitzer neva would've woiked wit Jack if he weren't scared! Wes got 'em cornered boys." I see some of da boys gainin hope. "We can't let all of what's happened be for nothin. Please, please don't let it all come ta a waist on Jack's behalf." I see Race stand up and I look at him hopefully.

"Ise've just spent 3 days woith of cigars and gamblin time towards dis strike. Ise is committed." He smirks, and I can't do nothin but beam at him.

"Everyone has good points, and wes is all an invaluable asset ta dis strike, so da choice is yours." I finish. I struggle the urge ta close my eyes, ta be oblivious ta the verdict and what's happenin around me. None da less, I keep them open, try ta keep my composure and convince them I knew what I'm doin.

I know if I can just get em started I can help us through dis strike, dat dis strike is still a good idea.

Suddenly hot guilt flashes ova me for da way I was gonna use Kath for the exact same reason.

She delivered, sos ise'll just keep it ta myself.

Ise is seein da boys start ta get up and cheer, rejoinin da cause and I start ta feel dis odd feelin... my heart warmin?

Didn't know dat could happen.

The boys is wit me, wes is stayin on strike.

Don't get too comfortable Pulitzer we ain't through just yet.

"Let's hit da hay! Wes got a hard day of strikin tomorrow!"

"YEAH!" That ablib


"Common Race get up." I wake up ta Jack tryna rouse Race.

"Strikin time already?" He asks groggily, not recognizin who the guy in front of him was. Afta wakin up a little, recognition snaps inta place, "What are youse doin back here Kelly? Ain't ya too busy wit your shiny new toys and and fancy friends?" He asks mockingly.

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