Sweet Victory

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Wes've just given out all of da bannas, it's mornin by now and no ones woikin, not one kid! Jack, and Davey, have just gone ta speak wit Pulitzer and wes is all waitin outside, patiently, barely darin ta breathe. I whisper Race somethin dats been eatin me at da back of mind.

"Am I a responsibility ta youse?" I ask him from the side of my mouth. He turns ta me, disconcerted and asks,

"Why da hell would ya think dat?"

"I hoid youse and Jack, are ya friends wit me cause ya feel like ya have ya be?" I ask again. His face flushed red like it did when Ise broke inta da conversation.

"No, dats not exactly what I meant."

"Den what did youse mean?" I ask. He turns ta look at me wit absolute terror in his eyes, then he tries ta brush it aside and simply tells me,

"It's just dat, your... different dan da oddas, you-you're... speacial. What we have is like... what... Jack and Davey have." He explains.

Part of me is relieved... the odda part... wants somethin a little more like what Jack and Katherine have.

"Yeah... yeah ok." I say absentmindedly. I look ova and see every newsie and woikin kid from every borough standin togetha, includin Spot and Bullets side by side; holdin hands?

Ain't he seein someone already? Like I knew dey was close and all but are dey...

Bullets' POV

We're all outside waiting for what seem to already have been hours for a verdict. I lean a little closer to Spot and whisper,

"Hey Spot."

"Yeah?" He answers, not daring to look away from the office. I look to the huge crowd, then down at our hands clasped together, not daring to let go.

"I'm glad you're here with me." I blush. At this he looks back at me, let's go of my hand and instead puts his arm around my shoulders.

"So am I." He replies, and we go back to anxiously waiting; until we see Jack out on the balcony.

"Newsies of New York." He addresses us solemnly before an unattainable grin stretches across his face and he screams out, "WE WON!!!" And we all go into roars of approval! I see folks congratulating each other, Race and Spades are hugging, and suddenly I feel Spot grab my arms and kiss me passionately for all the newsies to see, and some start cheering even louder. When it broke, I looked at him shocked and asked him,

"What was that for?" He looks at me slickly, and replies.

"Youse wanted reckless and stupid, youse got it." Then he looks down nervously and his hands fidget, "I'm sorry, I thought everyone had already kinda fi-" I break him off and kissed him back as though it were the last time I'd get the chance. Which for all we knew, it could be.

Spades' POV

We won! Dis hopeless cause won!

We cheer for Spot and Bullets ova there makin out, for our victory, and for...

Governor Roosevelt!?

"Each generation must, at the height of it's power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. You have laid claim to our world, and I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous!" We all give him a smatterin applause and cheer.

He ain't have bad at speeches himself.

He turns ta Jack and tells him, "Your drawings, son, have brought another matter to bear." He signals ta an officer, who lets out a silhouette in a refuge car, Race is the foist ta figure out who it is.

"Hey lookit Jack it's Crutchie!" We all start goin wild for our friend who'd been missin in action.

"Hiya fellas! Ya miss me?" He asks, and we all are yellin our so many replies at once dat not one comes out audible, still, the sentiment's all the same. "And lookit what I got yis, straight from da refuge. Bring him in fellas!" He calls ta the officers. Who walks right in front of us odda than:

"Ooo, Snyda da Spida don't look so tough no more!" I taunt, and the fellas all ablib the similar fraises.

"Jack, with those drawings you made an eloquent argument for shutting down the refuge. Be assured that Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated." He tells Jack. Then turnin ta the officers, he calls for them ta take him away.

"Please, your highness... may I do the honors?" Crutchie asks, ta which Roosevelt nods.

"You've got to be joking." Snyda groans.

"And you'll be laughin, all da way ta da pen 'little man'." He says smugly while handcuffin him, and then whacks him in the rear wit his crutch. "So long sucka!" He cheekily waves him off, and Jack thanks Roosevelt graciously. Pulitzer says somethin about givin Jack a new job as a political cartoonist, there's some deal about Jack leavin ta Santa Fa, and it's resolved by Jack and Katherine kissin. Wait...

"ATTA BOY JACK!!!" and odda such fraises is bein said all around as we cheer the new happy couple on. I grasp Race's hand in mine and blush slightly; as he feels the grasp he stiffens a bit, then eases as he blushes as well.

I don't want dis ta be it.

Afta Jack's little make-out session, he comes ova ta me.

"Ise been told ya weren't a half bad leada while ise was out." He reports.

"Couldn't hardly have been woise dan youse was." I smirk. He rolls his eyes and proceeds ta say,

"If ise is takin dis job as some fancy cartoonist, ise is gonna need someone ta lead while ise is gone."

"Youse is-is takin da job?" I stutta. "But I thought ya liked bein a newsie." I exclaim stunned.

"Ise is stayin a newsie, ise is just takin da odda job too. Ise needs someone who won't lead da oddas inta a train wreck. A second, so ta speak." He explains.

"What about Davey?" I ask.

"He ain't even a full time newsie. He'll be goin back ta school once his fadda gets a job. Didn't ya listen ta what he said dat mornin?"

"Not a woid." Ta which he smiles.

"Do ya want da job or not?" He asks.

"Say yes idiot." Race whispers ta me.

"Yes!" I blurt out.

"Den youse got it." Jack smiles, spittin inta his hand and holdin it out ta shake, and I do the same. Hey, it might not be what my 'white gloved hands' is used ta, but dats just da price off business.


And that's all folks! (I am making a sequel don't worry) I hope anyone reading enjoyed so, and if you didn't I'm really sorry, this was my first fan fiction. Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting. It means the world to me that people see my writing and actually care, you've been fantastic! I am making a sequel and am thinking about putting an original script and/or modern day newsies fanfic on here. Again, thank you, and please comment on what you guys would like to see me do next (after or during the sequel). Ily guy sm you're truly fantastic! ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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