can you hear me?

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I never thought that the day will come when I say I hate someone. you see, in my previous life even though my life was not what I desired and the people around me always bullied me, I never said I hate them or despise them. but here I am saying that I hate my so-called mom. she still hopes that I will get died in that forest.

today I finished all my chores by 6 in the evening. outside is pitch dark and it is too cold outside. when I was getting ready to make a short journey to the library my "mom" stopped me and ordered me to collect food in the forest. I know she is suspecting me since I am always not home after 6 in the evening. almost every day I am making a trip to the library. so either she wants to stop me from going or she is having another plan of spying on me or even she plans on killing me.

my dress is so thin so covered myself with a thick coat. took a stick torch and started my journey towards the forest. I have learned many things about mage and elementals in the past few days. even though both have the power over elements of nature, a mage has the power to manipulate the element while the elementals have the power to generate and use it to his will. but a mage has other powers like flying shielding, weapon production, telepathy, etc...

I was in deep thoughts that I didn't look at the surroundings. a whimpering sound interrupted my train of thoughts. it is like someone is crying in pain. I followed the sound and saw a cute little white griffin got trapped in the trap set by the hunters. its tiny lion leg is bleeding and it cant move due to the trap.

I slowly approached it when it sees me it started to get more can I help her when she is trying to be away from me.

after I had this thought it started the whining, I slowly approached it. I looked straight into her eyes and I hope she gets that she can trust me.i sit beside her. and released the trap slowly. I may have used the magic but I have a fear that it may hurt her since I don't have control over my power yet. soon I have to start practicing to control my magic.

after it gets released I took her in my arms and we went to a small cave in a nearby place. I placed on the floor gently and started to concentrate on her legs. since I used to be a biology student so I know general internal structure.using my powers I scanned to know the exact location. once I get the location I concentrated on self-healing it using platelets and fast cells proliferation techniques.

once I finished she become good as new. she slowly jumped around me in joy. I try to her to know whether she is hungry or not but she didn't understand me.

how am I going to communicate with her? I want to know whether she is hungry or not.

I am not hungry master

is her voice that I heard inside my head.

yes, master.

can you hear me?

yes, master.

don't call me master I am your friend.

no, you are my master and I will be always at your service.

then it is my order to consider me as your friend. call me whatever you want.

can I call you papa

ook, you can.

after assuring her that I will come to her every day I collect some food and went home, did more chores, and went to bed. right before I went to a deep sleep I said goodnight to her and got one in reply.

I slept happily by the thought of having a new friend to play with every day.

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