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all are still in trans of what happened. they can't register anything. both the boys are tending others like nothing happened. suddenly a roar of an angry mother is heard somewhere.

monsters are not like a human in terms of relationship, they will be tied together with a thin thread from the heart to heart, if anyone died they will feel the pain of the thread that has been cut. 

Mark called the boys and asked them to deal with it by using only magic. all the students were feared about the situation since Mark said that they are yet to enter the magic school, so they must not have fully awakened are mastered any of the magic art. some students even had the vision of their own death. 

but what Luke asked to make them fear for him instead, he asked," do you want to tocher it or to finish it quickly?"

even Drew was startled by the question, it was his first time to hunt with Luke. he didn't think that Luke will be this cruel.no one can tell that Luke is the guardian of two high tier monsters by the way he is acting towards a monster.

but Mark replied cooly like it is a regular question. he said, "finish it"

 suddenly there was a voice heard from the group, it was the boy from earlier." what do you mean by torture?"

what startled others is his tone. it is filled with curiosity and not fear. Luke smirked and said," tortures are of three types physical, mental, psychological. generally, I can induce physical torture of degree 2 but I am still in the experimental stage for other types of tortures."

he still has questions in his mind but he was interrupted by the monster. Luke gives the signal to Drew and both started to move towards the monster.

luke: "form the protective dorm around monster"

it is a two-tier monster and the command by Luke is really wrong by the view of others but Drew followed his command without asking questions. suddenly clouds started to form above the monster. it is small but thick and black in color. and it started to discharge lightning over the bear. and the bear started to growl in the pain. it died after five minutes.

it is so fast, they didn't think that a two-tier monster can be killed this easily. but Mark was not satisfied he asked," why did you torture it? it might be killed in 2 minutes"

"coach I was experimenting with the time an average two-tier can endure for the low-level discharge of lightning."

"no one can read you."

Luke just shrugged and opened a gate for moving to the ground.

now all are in the ground and healers are tending to the injured students. Luke didn't join because he should keep a low key in front of others.

after all are tended Mark called them for a final meet.

"everyone now I hope you have learned the most important lesson in your life to be a warrior.1) don't judge a book by its cover. 2)plan everything and strategies before you move 3)unity is strength 4)in the ranking board we are at the last, next to us is mages and at the top is elementals. 5) don't get overconfident on the battlefield. 6) no emotions are allowed on the battlefield.

and I will choose the leader of your group who will strategize for this whole year.it will be Mike.no more discussion regarding this.

Mike, you will come to my house this Sunday. I have things to discuss with you. class dismissed. Let's meet next Monday."

Mike was none other than the boy from before. all don't know how Mark selects him. because he didn't even lift his sword today. as they were leaving both Luke and Drew nodded the head towards Mike. 

that week was toughest for Mike, no one was ready to accept him. but he was for the opportunity given and he is ready to prove himself. but it should be started by making the group follow his lead. 

it is only starting he has to cross many other stones to prove himself to others.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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