Chapter 13; Finally

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you guys have no idea how excited i am for this chapter omg

Jess's POV

As much as I hated Pippa for being so embarrassing earlier, I was so glad that Eliza was staying the night. I hadn't had a proper friend like her for years, and even when I thought I did they turned on me pretty fast. I could tell Eliza was different. She's kind and caring and she actually listens to me. I knew that we were gonna be friends for  very long time.

"Jess you okay?" She asked. I hadn't realised that I'd been staring at the wall for about 5 minutes, just thinking. "I'm great, just thinking." She got up and sat next to me. "About what?" I looked her in the eyes. "Nothing." Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach and my heart was beating like crazy. "So, what'd you wanna do? We can stay up all night if you want." I asked. She nodded her head and went over to the snacks that Pippa had given us. At around 12.30 Pippa knocked on the door and said, "I'm going to bed now girls, don't be too loud." We said goodnight and she closed the door. 

We talked and talked for hours. About literally everything. I told her my deepest secrets and she told me hers. It was the most perfect night of my life. At times we were laughing so much we had to put our hands over our mouths so we didn't wake Pippa. "Shhh! Eliza we can't wake Pippa!" I said between giggles. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but it didn't work and within 10 minutes we were rolling on the floor laughing again. Once it hit 2am we calmed down a little more, and for some reason we were more emotional after this hour. We watched a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy, which all ended in us crying. (if anybody is watching greys and hasnt reached season 12, what im about to say could slightly spoil ep 1 of season 12, so proceed with caution lmao) We were watching the episode where the two girls who are in love try to kill themselves to be together, and one of the mothers is very homophobic, when Eliza said something through her tears. "When I told my mom I was gay, she was nothing but supportive. I can't imagine what it's like for that poor girl." I sat up suddenly. "You're gay?!" I asked. "Yeah... Is that okay?" I laughed. "Of course it is!" I hoped she didn't notice the smile forming on my face when I sat back down. I wasn't listening by the end of the episode, I was just thinking about Eliza. If she was gay, that means I have a chance of going out with her. I have a chance! But she probably didn't like me back. I edged closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder, hoping she wouldn't push me away. She didn't. 

Eliza's POV

"You're gay!?" She asked. "Yeah... Is that okay?" She laughed. "Of course it is!" I've been thinking of a way to tell her all day. I was glad I had. Towards the end of the episode, she moved closer and rested her head on my shoulder. I blushed and smiled, hoping she would never move from where she was. At around 3.30am, we turned off Grey's and just sat there talking again. I needed to tell her I liked her. I had known her one day, but I loved her. I really did love her. Fuck it. I'm gonna tell her. "Jess." I said. She looked up from her phone and into my eyes. I've never noticed her ocean blue eyes before, they were gorgeous. "I need to tell you something." She frowned. "Eliza is everything okay?" Suddenly everything I was feeling started to spill out of me. It was like I had zero control over what I was saying. "Jess I know we've only known each other a day, but the minute you walked into that theatre, I fell for you. You're the most gorgeous person I've ever seen, as well as the sweetest and kindest, and I feel like we instantly clicked. I thought I would never have a chance with you, but then you told me you're bi and... and i nearly melted. I'm so in love with you Jess. And if you don't like me back it's okay, I know we've only known each other for a day but-" She jumped forward and kissed me. At first I was surprised, but then I kissed back. I felt her smile into the kiss and I did the same. It was the best few minutes of my life. She had her arms wrapped around my neck and my arms were around her waist. Everything felt perfect. The sun was just starting to rise, making everything even more perfect. When she pulled away we were both smiling super wide. Her arms stayed around my neck and mine around her waist, and we both just sat there, smiling for what felt like eternity. "I love you too Eliza." I kissed her again and since we were right on the edge of the bed we nearly fell off. We laughed as she fell back, pulling me with her onto the floor. I turned to face her and we laughed even more. "Shh! If Pippa wakes up she'll kill us!" Jess could barely speak between laughs. I got up and walked over to get my phone. "Eliza I'm gonna do something and if you want me to stop let me know okay?" Before I could even answer she spun me round and pushed me back against the wall. I let out a small gasp. Jess kissed me again. I gasped into the kiss. "Do you want me to stop?" I shook my head violently. "No. Never. But we're underage Jess..." I trailed off. "I know, which is why we won't go any further than this, okay?" I nodded. She kissed me again and I pulled her as close as I possibly could. She spun my around and pushed me against another wall. I suddenly felt very bold and grabbed her waist, spinning her round to where I once was. "Jesus Eliza." She said under her breath. I laughed and kissed her again. 

Pippa's POV

I woke up suddenly to what sounded like someone breaking in. I jumped out of bed quickly and ran towards Jess's room. It sounded like it was coming from in there, so I pushed open the door, thinking I would see someone climbing through the window. "Pippa!" Jess screamed. I looked over to where she was standing to see her and Eliza close up against the wall. I gasped and ran out of the room. "Sorry!" I shouted on my way out. I heard them laughing as I ran back to my room. Sitting down on my bed, I said to myself, "Told you she wasn't straight Jess." 

1171 words :)

THE END OF ELIZA'S POV WAS VERY DIFFERENT TO WHAT I'D USUALLY WRITE OOP. also i included the pippa bit for fun hehe. ANYWAY stan jess and eliza. they need a ship name... jeliza? idk leave ideas lmao. new chapter out tomorrow probs lmao or maybe tonight if im feeling productive

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