Chapter 1; The Bench Story

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Jess's POV

The park bench I was laying on was incredibly uncomfortable, and not big enough at all. My phone had died about 2 hours ago, but I think it was about midnight. I only had the shorts and t-shirt that I was wearing, and the other t-shirt in my bag, s tat wasn't really going to keep me warm for the night. I sat up and looked over at the line of tree's across from me. There was nobody about because it was so late at night, so there was nobody to help me. I hadn't eaten since this morning, and all I wanted was a slice of pizza. I decided to move onto the small patch of grass next to me to see if it would be any easier to sleep. As I got up and grabbed my bag to move, I heard some movement. I froze and looked around. I saw someone walking closer and closer and I wanted to run but my feet stayed where they were. I had no idea that the worst day f my life was about to be the best. I suppose I'll start from the beginning.

My alarm went off at 6.30am. I stayed in bed for about 10 minutes before I actually got up got ready for school. "Jess, breakfast's ready." Mom called. "One sec." I shouted back. I grabbed my phone from my desk and ran downstairs. Today was the day; I was going to tell my mom that I'm bisexual. I had been keeping it from her for about 3 years now and I was finally ready to tell her. I walked into the kitchen to a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. "Thanks mom, these look great!" I exclaimed. She smiled. I took a deep breathe and got ready. "Mom, can I talk to you?" She came over to sit next to me. "Of course Jess, what is it?" I tried to control my breathing and looked right at her. "I've been keeping this from you for a while and I'm finally ready to tell you. I hope this doesn't change anything. But I'm bisexual." She looked at me in horror. "Jess you can't be serious." Oh no. This isn't how I wanted this to go. "Mom I-" She cut in. "I don't want another word from you. And I don't want to see you ever again." She was shouting now and tears started to form in my eyes. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. I DON'T WANT MY DAUGHTER TO BE A FAGGOT."  (A/N; I'm gay myself so I'm allowed to use the f slur so pls don't come for me lmao) My eyes started to spill and I ran back to my room. I could hear mom throwing things and she was still shouting. I grabbed my bag and chucked in the first top I could find. I grabbed my phone, money and a snack bar and ran out of the house as quick as I could. i was never going back. I didn't go to school; I walked around town all day. I ended up on a park bench at around 7pm.

Now we're up to date, back to the person walking towards me. I could just make out that they were a woman, so I wasn't as scared as before (Kill all men am i right?). She started walking faster, but my feet stayed glued to the same stop. I could only just manage to turn away as she was about 2 feet away. "Excuse me, are you okay?" I turned to look her in the eyes and gasped. It was Phillipa Soo. I had been a fan of Hamilton for as long as I could remember, and Phillipa has always been my favourite cast member. "I'm not going to hurt you. Here, come and sit down." She ushered me towards the bench and I followed, still starstruck that I was speaking to Phillipa Soo. "Oh my god." I muttered under my breath. She looked over at me and said, "Pardon love?" I blushed, but she couldn't see as it was pitch black. "I just can't believe I'm talking to you. You've been my idol for ages." I managed to say. She chuckled. "Thank you. Now, what's your name and why are you in the middle of a park at midnight?" I sighed and began to tell her the story. After I was done, she pulled me closer and hugged me. I could tell she was an amazing hugger even before I met her, and right now proved my point. "Anyway, I'm Jess and I'm 15. I have no where to go, so now I'm here in this park. Wait, why are you here?" Pippa looked down at me and laughed. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to go on a walk. But then I saw you and I was worried." Phillipa Soo was worried. About me!? I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. I wasn't. "Jess, you can come and stay with me for now. I have a spare room in my apartment that you could stay in. Obviously, you don't have to if you're uncomfortable with it, but I don't want you to stay here on your own all night." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Phillipa Soo was asking me to go stay with her!? "I would love to!" I said a bit too loud for the middle of the night. We both laughed and got up. 

She grabbed my hand and we walked off into the night, turning down a few streets before we got to  large building at the end of the road. Pippa unlocked the door and we walked up a few flights of stairs until we got to  door marked number 42.  The apartment was amazing. Everything was so clean and I could tell she cared. "Well, welcome to your new home I guess." She said and giggled. I laughed and looked over at her. "Thank you Phillipa." She smiled and walked over "Call me Pippa."

1011 words :)

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