Ch:5 "Art..."

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Foxer is trying to heal and cover with bandages of Yuri's hand. We could see that Mercy is looking at something wrong with Purple hair.
Foxer is slowly looking at Mercy which is she asking.

Mercy:Foxer?Yuri?is something happend?

Yuri:O-oh!it's e-e-e-eh...

Foxer:We playing doctors,Mom!hehe*slowly giving a hint*

(Foxer's blood can change to be a blue sky,Red,yellow that if she changing a expression and normal is blue sky)

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(Foxer's blood can change to be a blue sky,Red,yellow that if she changing a expression and normal is blue sky)

Mercy is shock and slowly understand wht Foxer means and back to the talk.
Foxer look forward of Yuri's wrist and started being serious for the damage.
Foxer almost done with Yuri's both wrist. Monika look closely at Foxer wrist.

"She...self harming?when?" Monika's thought.

Foxer look at monika but not face-to-face. was since i was 13 anyways.

Monika:Are you talking ab--

Foxer:Self harming about myself?Yes and i think you forgot that i can read minds.

Monika rewind the words and she because of heavy sleep that's why it is always forget.
Foxer done and giving an advise to Yuri to do not self harming ever again.
Laura done talking with Sayori and look at Yuri's wrist. Actually...Laura already know it what's behind it looks really pretty like a same as Foxer.

Foxer:Hi Laura!Hi Sayori!

Laura:Hey she doing that?

Foxer: ....i surprised that you actually noticed something with Yuri...Yes,she is.

Sayori:She noticed what?

Laira point at Yuri's wrist,suddently Sayori is surprised and also her eye is feels with tears.
Satori who look at Sayori,He runs to Sayori. The boys is looks at Yuri's writs and shock. For Yuki and Yaoi is looking at yuri's wrist as they worried.
But then,Tristan is asking Laura...He know that everyone in worry. you have homework?

Laura:Huh?Oh!yeah!i have...hey Foxer could you.....writing for me?

Foxer:Huh?what is it?

Laura:Mandarin and Math.

Foxer:Oh...Yeah i could do that,What page is it?

Laura:For Mandarin page 14 and for Math page 136.


Mercy:She doing that again?


Sayori's mother:Why she want to do that?if the answer of the homework is both of them right then one of them will failed and one of them will success.

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