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Skylar's PoV
Hey I'm skylar the 17 year old selective mute who can't hold a friendship to save her life I'm honestly surprised how I've held a friendship with Lucas, Mary and Ben for so long, Mary is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever met I don't understand why she's chilling with people like us but then again Ben and Luca aren't that bad looking either, I'm 5'3 with long wavy brown hair, green eyes with glasses because I'm basically blind I can't see clearly without them I also have freckles I'm slim but curvy but I hate myself and because I don't talk everyone thinks I'm weird. Mary is 5'6 with short blond hair, blue yes she's skinny and she has perfect skin no freckles and doesn't wear glasses. Ben is 6'1 he's got mousy blond hair, grey eyes and freckles he's also very slime. Lucas is 6'4 has dirty blond hair and has greeny blue eyes and clear skin. I only know all of this because we have all been friends since year 7 and then when I got left behind by my old friendship group we became so much closer and now we're all inseparable and they love me even though I don't speak and yes as you have gathered I am the shortest one in the group. I get pulled out of my thoughts by Mary waving her hand in front of her face
Mary- Skylar... helloooo
Skylar- *quickly writes* how long was I in a daze for? Was I staring at someone I shouldn't have been?! *she says with a worried look on her face*
Mary- *chuckles* no you weren't you were staring at the whiteboard I was talking to you though and I thought you were ignoring me
Skylar- I am so sorry what were you saying again?
Teacher- girls stop talking!
Boy- Mrs how are they talking when Skylar can't talk *some of the class erupt in laughter*
*Mary was just about to say something when a boy spoke up and it was a voice that she hadn't heard in a while it was Max*
Max- hey dickhead how bout you leave her alone before I rearrange your face!
Teacher- Max Mills! Get out of my classroom now! We do not swear in this classroom! And we certainly do not threaten people!
*Max stands up and as he's leaving the door Skylar catches his eye so he smiles at her and walks out*
*the teacher sets the class work and now they are aloud to speak*
Mary- okay what was all that about? How do you even know Max Mills? Why's he sticking up for you?
*Skylar forgot that no one knew about her past with the boys he friendship group just knew that her old friends ditched her*
Skylar- I have no idea if I'm honest... maybe he just felt sorry for me? *she cringes at the fact she just lied to her best friend to save questioning*
Mary- yeah probably he's never done it before though
Skylar- the bell is gonna go soon so I will talk to you more about it at break seen as only Lucas is in my next period but we will try and figure out the meaning behind it if it will give your mind ease
Mary- hell yeah!
*the bell goes and Mary and Skylar separate to go to their next lessons as Skylar is on her way she feels someone tug her shoulder so she turns around and sees that it's Max she gives him a questioning look and then he speaks*
Max- I'm sorry about what happened in there I don't like people seeing that side of me it's just I guess I've never stopped being over protective of you I've still known you all my life so I guess the protectiveness is still there
Skylar- *grabs her phone and writes in her notes* it's okay but we've both moved on now so maybe don't be getting yourself into trouble for me because it's not fair people are going to start asking questions and I thought you and Harvey wanted to forget about me and everything we ever had
Max- that's not it at all. We did this to protect you and you will probably see why sooner or later just know that we do actually miss you I mean all three of us were best friends for such a long time
*just then Lucas walks past and stops*
Lucas- Sky is he bothering you?
*she shakes her head*
Max- I was just leaving and you may be tall Lucas but I'm not scared of you *he rolls his eyes and walks away*
Lucas- are you okay?
*she nods her head*
*they walk to their next lesson Lucas chatting all the way and Skylar nodding and shrugging at everything he's saying. She used facial expressions to communicate most of the time they get to their lesson and take their seats the teachers always put her near her friends because they would be able to tell the teachers what she's doing and what she means*
*today was a supply teacher and she didn't know anything about Skylar so she said the register and Lucas answered for her*
Teacher- no she needs to answer the register you silly boy!
Lucas- she's a selective mute she can't talk
Teacher- well she can choose to talk so she can choose to talk and answer her name that's what selective means!
Lucas- I don't think you're understanding. So I will break this down for you. Skylar. Will. Not. Speak. She. Doesn't. Even. Speak. To. Her. Friends. She. Will. Not. Answer. You. Get that into your head
Teacher- you're so rude! Detention!
*just then the headteacher walks in*
Headteacher- is there a problem here? *he asks*
Teacher- yeah there is this young lady will not answer her name on the register and this young man tried talking back to me when I tried to make her answer
Headteacher- you do realise that she is a selective mute which you would know if you read the notes on all the members of the class and by shouting at her you will not make her talk Lucas was clearly sticking up for her because you weren't listening so because of this you're out of a job go home I will teach this class today
Teacher- but-
Headteacher- no buts! If you can't read your classroom notes on your pupils then what kind of teacher are you? Leave!
*the teacher gets up and leaves*
Headteacher- *walks over the Skylar and Lucas* neither of you will be getting detentions *he looks at Skylar* are you okay?
*she nods*
*he walks away and starts teaching the class for the rest of the day she was even more quieter than usual like she wouldn't even do anything to communicate with her friends they didn't take it personally they knew just to leave her when she got like this*

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