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*the witches house*
*knock knock*
*Jamie's grams comes to the door*
Grams- hey Aaron can I help you? *she smiles*
Aaron- yes it's an uh supernatural problem *he says looking around making sure that no one else could hear
Grams- and you need Jamie *she realises*
Aaron- you haven't told her yet... have you?
Grams- she knows bits about it and I have her the orange crystal because she is the most powerful witch out there. But I know that as soon as she comes into her powers people will be after her. *she sighs*
Aaron- so what you're telling me is that she doesn't actually know shes a witch but she knows that you are and the rest of your family are and she just think it magically skipped her?
Jamie- I'm a what?!
Grams- Jamie?! How long have you been stood there?!
Jamie- let's just say long enough to hear the whole conversation so I basically came to the door as soon as you opened it
Grams- did you know that she was there Aaron?
Aaron- how could I have seen her? I was looking at you the whole time
Grams- I guess you better come in then. Jamie stick the kettle on and I will explain everything
*they all sit down in the living room and Jamie brings tea in*
Jamie- *fiddling with the orange crystal necklace* so you're telling me that I'm the most powerful out of our whole family line of witches?
Grams- yeah I'm sorry that I kept this from you
Jamie- I know that we have a long line of witches in our family and being a witch is in our blood because you have never hidden that from me but you hid who I am away from me.
Grams- I just didn't want you coming into your powers too early. As soon as a witch finds out that she is a witch all of her powers come more or less all at once. You feel that electricity feeling coursing through your veins right now? That's your powers coming into place.
Jamie- oh okay... so why are you guys here? And who are you? *she says looking at everyone else*
Max- I'm Max
Harvey- I'm Harvey
Jay- I'm Jay
Mimi- I'm Mimi
Aaron- I'm Aaron
Jamie- and who's this little man *she says as Kai is playing with her index finger*
Max- that's Kai my son
Jamie- how old are you?
Max- 17
Jamie- and you have a son?
Max- yeah it uh wasn't planned?
Harvey- yeah you could say that Max
Jamie- right so you've answered one of my questions. Now. Why are you here?
*Aaron explains the whole story and explains who and what they are and then explains who's been kidnapped*
Jamie- so who's what again just so that I know
Harvey- Panther
Max- Panther
Mimi- Coyote
Aaron- bear
Jay- wolf
Aaron- Mimi, Sky, Jay and the twins are all rare species of Kitsunae
Jay- red wolf
Mimi- purple coyote
Harvey- blue panthers
Max- Sky's the pink fox th-
Jamie- the alpha of all
Harvey- yeah. How'd you know that?
Jamie- grams told me that our family has been helping Kitsunae's out since the dawn of time so I had to do my research. So what's melody then?
Harvey- other than a pain in the arse?
Jay- hey!
Harvey- chill man I'm kidding
Jay- melody is a seer someone who looks out for us and tells us what's going to happen before it happens
Max- but she hasn't really come into her powers yet or she would have predicted this and we would have stopped it from happening
Jamie- ah right that explains it then
Aaron- so what do you say Jamie? Help us and become a member of the team? You'll have to live with us though
Mimi- you can bunk with me the rooms huge anyway
Jamie- well I guess it's my duty isn't it so I can't really say no. There's witches that have given their lives for Kitsunae's and Kitsunae's that have given their lives for witches it's just how us supernatural beings work. How old is everyone anyway?
Harvey- 17
Max- 17
Mimi- 15
Jay- 17
Aaron- 26 however I don't live with you guys you all live on your own.
Jamie- how come I've never seen you around before? Don't you go to the local high school?
Harvey- yeah we do we're just never there
Jamie- looks like I will be joining that then... come on someone help me pack and then we can go through our attack plan together *she smiles*
*they all follow Jamie up to her room to help her pack*
*later on at the house when she's unpacked and Harvey has helped her build her double bed and they have set up her side of the room underneath the window. Everyone is downstairs other than Harvey and Jamie*
Jamie- *crash* urgh why won't you work you stupid thing! *boom* *smoke everywhere*
Harvey- *runs in the room coughing because of the smoke* what happened in here?!
Jamie- *while flinging the window open to let the cold night air in* I'm trying to practice my spells and my powers that's what's happening in her *she sighs while plummeting down onto her bed*
Harvey- have you ever tried this? *he says while pulling her up off of the bed spinning her around standing behind her and placing his hands on her waist* now take a deep breath and concentrate on what you want to happen and don't let anything disturb your focus. Close your eyes. Trust me.
Jamie- *does as he says and before she knew it the candles lit right in front of her and things started floating around the room* how did you know what to do?
Harvey- when you're a Kitsunae you have to use what we call anchors and that's what you just used to help your powers work. You used me as your anchor and what you wanted to happen happened. Because you weren't focusing on anything else other than me and the silence and your head was clear.
Jamie- does that mean you're my permanent anchor now? *she turns around the face him*
Harvey- until you find another one. Yes. But you can have more than one anchor. Sky's is me and Max and it was her best friend before she died. All she has left now are Max and I.
Jamie- oh... *she says taken back by the death of someone so young*
Harvey- it's okay... not many people know what to say when they hear that a human died and the hands of a Kitsunae. We didn't kill her and neither did Sky. But she protected Sky and Max and I. But it should be Kitsunae's giving their lives for humans not humans giving their lives for Kitsunae's. It disturbs the natural order of things. What's even worse is we all had to lie about the actual cause of her death because no one could know what we really are which is why we moved. Our families had to forget all about us. *he looks down*
Jamie- hey *she says putting her finger under his chin and lifting his head up* I know what it's like *she says automatically transferring to a British accent* I'm from England too. London to be exact. My family had to move because of the Kitsunae's that turned evil. They killed my parents and my older sister. My grams immediately brought my older brother and I to America. Eli didn't want anything to do with the craft and grams made me forget about most of it. It's only as I've been getting older and my strength has been progressing that my memories have overpowered the forgetting spell that she cast on me. Your kind mauled my parents and sister to death. But grams made sure that I knew all Kitsunae's weren't bad and that I still had to keep my duty to them. She met Aaron when he was 16. She helped him. Protected him and took him in. Aaron is the only reason why I have found trust in your kind again. And I know you guys are different I can sense it. Call it a witchy thing. A bit like Spider-Man my witchy senses are tingling. *she slightly laughs*
Harvey- I am so sorry. The Kitsunae's that turned evil took Mary away from us. All because they wanted Sky's power. We had to leave her grave and our families behind. So if you ever need to talk I'm here. Even if you just need to sit in silence and have me around you know where my room is. The door is always open. Well not literally you might have to knock just in case I'm butt naked I don't want that scaring your eyes *he laughs*
Jamie- thank you Harvey
Harvey- please call me Harv everyone else does *he smiles*
Jamie- okay... thank you Harv *she smiles*
Harvey- I'll leave you too it. Try not to set anything else on fire. *he says while leaving the room and closing the door behind him*
Jay- how's she doing?
Mimi- yeah there was a lot of crashing up there and then everything just stopped she didn't magic herself out of the window did she?!
Harvey- no she was just having trouble focusing so I helped her clear her head and she finally got her spell to work. Candles lit and things started floating around the room. It was pretty cool actually. *he says flopping down on the sofa next to Max*
Max- you didn't become her anchor did you?
Harvey- yeah? Why? Is that bad?
Jay- if a witches anchor is a Kitsunae then her powers will automatically become stronger because she's anchored to a supernatural being. Which means if anything happens to you then she will loose it big time and might spin out of control but it will also give us a great advantage because she will be wanting to protect everyone more. I mean she is already the most powerful witch going.

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