chapter 5

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A/N: Wow look at that she updated again😱 who is she!! Also a lot of this won't be in text form and will be what is actually happening.


Sunday 2:47

"1-A hoes'"

~Broccoli has joined the chat~

Broccoli: alright guys kacchan is finally coming downstairs

~Spoiled brat has joined the chat~

Spoiled brat: against my will

Broccoli: c'mon kacchan everyone is worried about u

Spoiled brat: as if

~Spoiled brat and broccoli have left the chat~

Bakugou's pov

Deku was currently dragging me out of the comfort of my bed. What a fucking jerk.

We had finally made it to the common room where everyone was looking at us expectantly. I snatch my arm back from Deku and rolled my eyes.

"What are you extras looking at" I said as I sat down on the far end of a couch. Todoroki walks over and sits down next to me.

"Why have you been so distant lately? I'm beginning to get worried" he said looking me directly in the eyes. I sighed and adverted my gaze to the floor.

"Well don't be, I'm fine" just as I say that Deku looks at me and walks over. He was one of the people that I told what was happening to. I told him and Shindo.

"Kacchan you can't keep lying to them, you have to come clean. Tell them what's happening or I will." With that I snapped my head up to look at him in the eyes. I had panic and fear written all over my face.

"You can't do that! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T!!" I had tears in my eyes and all of my classmates were looking at each other worried.

"Bakugou, what can't he tell us? What are you hiding?" Todoroki said as he forced me to look at him. I still had tears in my eyes but refused to let them fall. I wasn't weak. I was strong. Yea I was strong. I am weak. Just like they said. Just like everyone says.

"Nothing" I said furiously rubbing my eyes to make the tears go away.

"I'm giving you till Tuesday to tell them what's happening. If you don't I will, I can promise you that." Deku said. And with that he left upstairs.

I stood up from the couch and ran upstairs and into my room. I was planning on going to Shindo's house. He lives alone in an apartment.

I ignored my classmates who were yelling my name. As soon as I got into my room I locked the door and called him.

Around the third ring he picked up.

"Hey, what's up kit" he said, it sounded as if he was out of breath I wonder why.

"Hey Shindo, um can I come over? I-i-it's totally fine if I can't I'll under-" I said worried that I was being annoying.

"Hey hey it's fine you can come over. And you are not being annoying ok?" He said reassuring me, he knows how I think and all of my degrading tendencies. I sighed a breath of relief at the reassuring words.

"Ok, thank you" I said with a smile on my face.

"I'll go pick you up just give me 6 minutes ok?" I could tell that he was really worried and that made me feel warm inside. The fact that someone cares so much about me to drop anything that they are doing just to make sure that I'm alright, makes me happy.

"Ok" and with that I hung up. I walked over to my closet and changed into some black leggings and a dark red hoodie, I put on my white low tops. When I was done I checked the time and realized that he was almost here, so I raced down stairs.

When I got downstairs I realized that everyone was still there and brought their attention back to me.

"Where are you going?" Asked Kiri. I just walked passed him and to the door until someone grabbed my arm. I flinched and tried to snatch my arm back but fail.

"Katsuki where are you going" Todoroki said and I could tell that it wasn't a question. I sighed and made it seem like I had calmed down. When I did he loosened his grip on me and as soon as he did I pulled my arm back.

"To a friend's house, I'll be back in a few hours." As soon as I said that I heard an engine so I walked outside. Everyone else had followed me.

When we were outside we saw Shindo there on his motorcycle and with his helmet off. He looked at us until his eyes landed on me.

"I'm here like I said I would be kit" he said and flashed me one of his infamous smiles. I gave him one of my small but very happy smiles.

"I knew you would be. I can always count on you." I said walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled my face into his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his face on my hair.

"Katsuki, who is he?" I pulled away from him and turned away to face my classmates. I knew it was Todoroki who asked the question because his voice is so monotone.

"Oh hi I'm Shindo his-" I cut him off because I knew that he would say something stupid and flirty.

"FRIend, he's my friend." I said punching Shindo on the arm because he whined saying that I'm no fun.

"Anyways I'm off now, bye." I said climbing on the motorcycle. I sat right behind Shindo and he passed me his helmet, I looked at him before.

"Here put this on. I don't want you getting hurt." He said giving me a small smile. I took it and put it on then I hugged him from behind, holding on for dear life. He laughed at me while I pouted. This wasn't my first time on a motorcycle but I still kinda get scared. He said bye to my classmates and then we rode off.

This is going to be a hell of a week. I sighed a little at the thought.


A/N: Here, have some angsty Bakubabe and supportive Shindo. I love the thought of Shindo and Baku always riding on a motorcycle whenever they go somewhere. Love y'all bye💕

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