chapter 8

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A/N: My voice is still a bit hazy but oh well.


Tuesday 2:57

"☠️Emo squad🥀"

~Air pods has joined the chat~

Air pods: guys, we should try summoning Satan again!!!

~spoiled brat and sugar daddy have joined the chat~

Spoiled brat: we're in class

Sugar daddy: the teacher is gonna catch us

~Big bird and who TF? Have joined the chat~

Big bird: guys stfu

Who TF?: The teacher is looking at us

Air pods: shit he's walking over-

Air pods: shit-

Air pods: dgdjdudbdjjsoajgdidn

~Air pods has left the chat~

Spoiled brat: lmao

Sugar daddy: this is why we don't text in class

Sugar daddy: cuz then you get your phone taken away

Spoiled brat: could never be me

Who TF?: You're too much of a bitchy bottom to get your phone taken away

Spoiled brat: and I take pride in that

Big bird: of course you do

Sugar daddy: we should sign off now or else we'll get in trouble

Big bird: ight

~Everyone has left the chat~

Todoroki's pov

I put my phone away and listened to what the teacher has to say, I can see Jirou sulking over the fact that she got her phone taken away.

When the bell rang signaling that the day is over everyone was in the middle of getting up until Midoriya got up and walked to the front of the class room. He faced all of us and told us to stay.

"There is something that I have to tell you guys, it's something that Kacchan has never wanted to tell you guys. He-" as he was in the middle of speaking someone interrupted him.

"Izuku please! Please don't tell them!!" Katsuki looked as though he was about to cry.

"He has been getting bullied by a bunch of people in this school. He has also been harassed multiple times. He is having very self deprecating thoughts. He didn't want to tell you guys because he was afraid of how you will react.-"

There was a big thud and when I turned around I saw Katsuki on his knees crying.

"Stop please!! You promised me!!!"

"- I told you guys because lately it has been getting out of hand. Anytime that he is alone he will get harassed by multiple people. They have been saying horrible things about him and saying things that they know nothing about! They won't stop!"

I walked over to Katsuki and pulled him into my arms. We were both on the floor hugging.

"I'm sorry kacchan but they needed to know"

Aizawa had gotten up and was walking towards the door. He looked pissed and if looks could kill then everyone would be dead.

We had all gotten up and walked out of the classroom, Katsuki still in my arms.

We had run into 2 girls and 1 guy all talking together. They looked towards Katsuki and started laughing. Katsuki snuggled closer to me and burried his face in my chest. The girl with red hair spoke up.

"Are you guys finally getting rid of that useless monster?"

Everything went black for a moment. One second I was holding Katsuki and the next I was holding the girl by her throat. The 'bakusquad' looked pissed and we're activating their quirks. Momo, Uraraka, Koda and Sato were comforting Katsuki.

Everyone else looked really pissed off and ready to attack. Hell even Mineta looked pissed.

"That's enough!" Mr Aizawa yelled. He activated his quirk to erase ours. "Let them go, we will do this without the violence. We will not scoop down to their level because you guys are future heroes!"

I let go of the girl and she fell to the ground. I turned around and carried Katsuki bridal style.

I started walking to my dorm room, ignoring everyone that called out to me. Everyone in the halls avoided me me and once I got to my dorm I unlocked it and went inside, placing him on my bed.

I walked over to my closet and took out one of my hoodies. I know that he loves wearing bigger hoodies so I gave mine to him.

"You can change in the bathroom." I said in a monotone voice. He looked up at me with a confused face and spoke in a quiet tone.

"But I don't have pants to change into?"

"It wouldn't be the first time I saw you in only a hoodie." I smirked when he started blushing. He grumbled something then ran into the bathroom.

After a few minutes he came out in my sweater which reached up to his thighs since I was taller than him. Come to think of it, almost everyone in the class is taller then him. Of course with the exceptions of Mineta, Jirou and Uraraka.

He crawled up onto the bed and laid right beside me. He looked pretty tired so I told him to go to sleep. As I was scrolling through Twitter Mina texted in the group chat.

Tuesday 3:42

"1-A hoes'"

~Hubba bubba has joined the chat~

Hubba bubba: hey Todoroki how is bakugou?

~Sugar daddy and Bob the builder have joined the chat~

Sugar daddy: he's fine and he's asleep

Bob the builder: where are you guys?

Sugar daddy: we're in my room

Bob the builder: oh ok

Hubba bubba: Aizawa sensei took the people to the principals office

Sugar daddy: they deserve more the to just be suspended or expelled

Bob the builder: what they did was not okay and I can't believe that none of us ever knew

Sugar daddy: yea I know

Hubba bubba: we will leave you alone now

Bob the builder: how about when he wakes up we can all hang out in the common area?

Sugar daddy: sure

Hubba bubba: I'll tell the others

~Everyone has left the chat~


A/N: There will be a lot of fluff now and various flirting ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Bye now, love you💕

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