chapter 20

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Bakugou's P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing.

I looked over to it and checked who it was. It was Shoto. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey I'm gonna pick you up in a an hour or so, ok?" He said. What is he talking about?

"What?" I asked.

"For our date." He said and then immediately added. "Unless you forgot or don't want to go then that's totally fine!"

"W-what no!! I'm sorry that I forgot!!! I had so much going on and I-!!" I was interrupted by him chuckling.

"Hey hey it's fine, trust me. I can tell that you are under some major stress and I wanna help you. I'll pick you up in an hour ok?" He said. His tone was so soft and calming. I nodded and then realized that he couldn't see me.

"Y-yeah, ok!! I love you!" I then hung up. I went over to the bathroom and took a shower. As I was getting out I realized what I said.

I told him that I love him.


Why did I say that!? Why was I even thinking about it!?

I thought that I promised myself not to like anyone after what he did to me.

But I feel like Shoto is different. I'm sure that I don't like him.

He's such a good person. Nice. Cute. Hot.

Wait what?

I am very sure that I am a blushing mess right about now. I have no idea why I even said that. I turned the water off and then stepped out. A towel wrapped around my body as I made my way to the wardrobe with my clothes in it.

Since me and Shindo are very close I have some of my clothes at his house.

I pulled out a plaid suspender skirt, a white turtleneck and some white heels. Once I was done changing into that I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

Soon I heard the bedroom door open and someone coming into the bathroom. They wrapped their arms around me as I finished up.

"Hey baby." Shindo said as I looked in the mirror.

I leaned into his hug as I put on some earrings.

"Hey." I said back. I got out of his grasp as I walked over to my phone.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I was studying. Where are you going?" He asked back. I looked back at him to see him with his arms crossed and an eyebrow quirked.

"On a date." I replied getting a text from Shoto that asked for the address. I sent it to him and he said that he'd be here in five minutes.

"Oh right I forgot that you're going on a date with that idiot rich boy." He scoffed. I laughed gently at how much of a child he is being.

"Really now? Come on he is a good guy!" I said back.

"You're not even supposed to leave!!" He replied.

"But I trust him. I feel like I can confide in him. He makes me feel safe. So no matter what you say I am going, ok?" I said back walked towards the living room and to the door.

He was following close behind me.

"Fine but at least call or text me ok?" He had a small pout in his face.

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