chapter 15

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Bakugou's P.O.V.

As soon as Toshi opened the door I hurriedly went inside while he closed the door behind me. I sat on his bed and placed the sweets on his night stand.

I didn't even notice when he sat next to me because I was panicking, thinking about what Shindo told me.

"What did he say?" I flinched and and turned to face him, I bit my lip.

"He's back..... H-he's back!! I'm scared Toshi....... I'm so scared." I was sobbing and clutching onto his shirt. He rubbed my back while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. We stayed like that for a while as I was trying to calm down.

"It's fine Kat.... Everything is fine- he won't be able to hurt you...... I promise."

"Bullshit!! Shindo said that he saw him, that he talked to him!!" At this point I couldn't breath anymore. I was panicking.

"If I stay here then everyone will be in danger." I mumbled, Shinsou pulled away from me to look me in the eye.

"But you can't leave us, you're not going to leave us right?"

"I-I have to Toshi, I have to protect you guys!"

He held onto my face, wiping my tears away. He had a sad smile on.

"But if you leave then who will protect you?"

"I-I'll protect myself."

"No, you're not leaving. Shindo will help you, I will help you. So don't leave us." His soft tone calming me down, he kissed me on the forehead.

"There we go Kat, I love that pretty smile. Never stop letting people look at that pretty smile ok?" I hadn't even noticed when I started smiling until he pointed it out. He always had the ability to make me smile.

I guess that's the reason why I'm so close to him, he can always calm me down. He pulled me to lay down with him and cuddled me. I felt so safe with him, in his arms.

"He wants us to go to his house tomorrow." I said but it was muffled by his shirt.

"Then we'll go, do you wanna eat the sweets now?" I giggled and hit his chest.

"You just wanted the sweets huh? Figures." I sat up and passed him the sweets.

"What can I say, I like Sato's sweets. But nothing is sweeter than you bubba." I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Toshi." I then went back to being snuggled against his side while he ate the sweets. "So Toshi..."

"Yea Bubba?"

"When are you and Pikachu gonna fuck?" I stated bluntly. I giggled when I saw that he was blushing and choking a little on the sweets.

"Katsuki!!!" He whined.

"What? It's an honest question." I playfully said.

"I don't even know if he likes anyone damnit!"

"For the record he doesn't like anyone else, but he does like you!!"

"Well how do I ask him out!?"

"Take him to a cat Cafe!!!!!"

"Alright..... What about you and Todoroki?" It was my turn to blush now. Wait why the hell am I blushing!?

"What do you mean?"

"Oh c'mon, you have got to notice that he's into you!!! I mean the sexual tension between you guys is" He whistled and made and explosion sound at the end to emphasize his point.

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