Chapter 24

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I lay in bed thinking over what had just happened. I fucked up.

I sighed as I sat up, taking his arm off of my waist. I grabbed my phone only to see two missed calls and five texts. All from Hitoshi.

I called him back.

"Katsuki! Thank God that you are safe!" He yelled. I cringed as my ear started to hurt.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I whispered, not wanting to wake Shouto up.

"I saw him near the campus." He said. I froze as I immediately knew who he was talking about.

"You sure?" I whimpered out. And he only said yes.

I hung up and hastily put my shoes on. I grabbed my phone again and left the room in a hurry, not caring about the possibility of someone catching me running out of his room.

I ran to my room and locked myself in. I saw something on my nightstand so I walked over to see what it was.

... It was an envelope...

One that hadn't been there before. I picked up the envelope tentatively and looked at it. It was a cream white envelope with a red stamp to keep it closed.

I cautiously opened it and out fell a letter. There was still something inside so I took it out. It was a disposable cell. I picked up the letter with my other hand and sat down.

I read it aloud to myself.

|"Hey there love,

Or should I say Kitten? You know I wonder what you find attractive in that two toned freak. How did you go from being with me to being with a stuck up rich boy that uses his daddy's money?

Did you like that present I gave you? I had been contemplating on what to give you until I finally remembered that you had always loved white roses. They symbolize pure love right? But I can tell you that such a thing does not exist. It never has, it never will."|

I sucked in a deep inhale of breath as I realized that the flower was from him. I looked up to the ceiling as another realization hit me.

He got into my school...

|"I wonder what that two toned freak is doing. I could always go check on him, after all it wasn't hard to do so the first time. Maybe I could go check on his siblings! One of them mysteriously disappeared right? Would be a shame if that were to happen again, maybe to him or his siblings. I also heard that his mother lives in a nearby hospital, I could pay her a visit sometime."|

My breathing was labored as I kept reading. He was keeping tabs on him. If Shouto were to lose one of his siblings or worse, lose his mother he wouldn't be the same.

|"Speaking of which, do you still live in that house up the street near the forest? Because I haven't seen you go back there in a while but I always see your parents coming and going. Mitsuki is the same as ever, always yelling at your dad and making a big fuss. But hey! At least it's not directed at you anymore! Now be a good boy and pick up that disposable cell phone and call me. Remember that I'm always watching you and have eyes on anyone that you have ever cared about, including Shouto.

Well keep talking later!"|

I felt as a tear rolled down my cheek. I tentatively grabbed the phone and called his number. It was already programmed in.

"Love! You called, good choice!" He said enthusiastically as he picked up.

"What do you want?" My voice was broken. I sniffled as I heard him chuckle.

"I think that I have been plenty clear that all I want is you!" He responded.

"I don't want to go through this again!" I yelled out a sob.

"How about we start here! Stay away from the stuck-up rich boy. You can talk to the other two but that two toned freak is off limits! If you talk to him then an 'accident' will occur. This is a warning, love. So take it into consideration." I froze at the threat but hummed nonetheless.

"Don't hurt him. I'll corporate, just don't hurt him. He's innocent." I begged in a small voice.

"Since when is anyone innocent? Now I feel like you're just making excuses. No one on this planet is innocent! There is no such thing." Playful tone replaced with malice.

"Well, he's the closest thing that you will ever get to innocent. He has only good intentions." I replied.

"Having good intentions and being innocent are two completely different things. One can want the absolute best for someone but do horrible things to achieve such a goal." I shut my eyes tightly as I listen to him talk.

"Please..." I let out a shaky breath as I held back a sob. "Just let him be."

"Oblige my rules and he will be fine." I hummed to show him that I agreed.

"Good boy, now stay away from the two toned freak. Don't talk to him, don't look at him and don't even think about him. My second rule is that you cannot tell any of this to the adults or to anyone other than the ones that already know." I stared at my wall and listened to him talk intently.

"And last but not least,..." He whispered into the phone and what he said next made me

"You must meet up with me at least once a week. It's been a while and I have missed you oh so much, love."

Fucking hell. I hate it here so damn much.


A/N: Oop- let me know what y'all think.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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