chapter 17

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Bakugou's P.O.V.

"Hey baby." Shindo said as we get in his car.

"Hi Daddy." I said kissing him. He bit my lip, asking for entrance as I placed my hands on the sides of his face. He grabbed my hips as the kiss got rougher. We heard a cough that caused us to pull away.

"Don't fuck while I'm here." Toshi grumbled.

"Awwww c'mon baby, you know you love it when you see me naked!" I playfully retorted.

He rolled his eyes as he took out his phone, he was in the backseat. I buckled my seatbelt since I was in the passenger seat.

"Do y'all wanna get something to eat first or?" Shindo asked, driving away.

"Sure." I replied and got a hum of agreement from Shinsou.

"Alright then." He placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing it.

I grabbed his hand and put it up a bit causing him to chuckle.

"Not when he's driving you dumbass." Shinsou said boredly.

"But if he was doing this to you then you wouldn't complain right?" Shindo snapped.

"Yup." He answered back.

As those two were arguing I got a message from Shoto.

Saturday 10:11

Sugar daddy: Hey Kitten I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park and have a picnic tomorrow?

Sugar daddy: If you don't want to or if you're busy then that's totally fine!!

Me: No no it's fine!!

Me: I would love to go with you!

Sugar daddy: Cool then it's a date!

Me: A date!?

Sugar daddy: Fucking shit no no it's not!!!

Sugar daddy: I mean unless you want it to be because I'd be totally fine with that!!!

Me: Sure!!!

Sugar daddy: Ok!!

Me: Ok!

Sugar daddy: Yea!

Me: Yup

Sugar daddy: Well I should go since I have stuff to do!

Me: I should also go since I have some things to take care of!

Sugar daddy: Right, bye!

Me: Bye!

Sugar daddy: Bye!

What the fuck just happened!? I just got asked out!!! Why am I so happy about this!? I have been asked out many times and have had many love confessions so why does this one feel different?

"Why are you blushing?" Shinsou asked me. Fuck am I really!?

"No reason!" I responded but my voice cracked. I put my phone away fast so that he couldn't get it.

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