chapter 19

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Saturday 5:39

"1-A hoes'"

~Hubba bubba, broccoli and 5 others have joined the chat~

Hubba bubba: Hey blasty baby

Broccoli: KACCHAN!!!!!!!

~Spoiled brat has joined the chat~

Spoiled brat: What?

Bob the builder: Shoto won't come out of his room

Sonic: We're worried

Gravity hater: Do you know why?

Spoiled brat: I don't

The rock: Can you talk to him please!!?!?!??

Kermit: He really only seems to answer to you.

Kermit: It's almost like he is in love with you.

Spoiled brat: he is not!!!!!

Kermit: If you can't see it then you're blind Kero

Sonic: Take my glasses since you need them more than I do

Spoiled brat: Fuck you Tenya!!!!

Spoiled brat: You can jack off from now on!!!

Sonic: Wait no it was a joke!!!!

Spoiled brat: 😤

Spoiled brat: I'll go talk to him

~Hubba bubba, Spoiled brat and 6 others have left the chat~

Saturday 5:55

Me: Hey Sho

Sugar daddy: Hi Kitten

Me: Are you okay?

Sugar daddy: Yea of course

Sugar daddy: Why?

Me: The losers said that you won't come out of you're room

Me: They're worried you know

Sugar daddy: It was never my intention to worry them

Sugar daddy: I am just busy at the moment

Me: Then why are you talking to me

Sugar daddy: I will always make time for your Kitten

Me: Aw I feel honored

Sugar daddy: Hey Kitten why don't you sleep over at my dorm?

Me: I would love to but I also like walking

Sugar daddy: You know that wasn't what I meant

Me: I know but I love teasing you!!

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