chapter 21

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Sunday 12:00

"✨UWU Squad✨"

~Gravity hater, Broccoli and 3 others have joined the chat~

Gravity hater: So like when y'all coming back???

Broccoli: Frfr

Sugar daddy: In a few mins

Sonic: Where are you guys?

Sugar daddy: We're just roaming the streets

Sugar daddy: Apparently he loves going on walks

Kermit: Yea I can see that Kero

Broccoli: Kacchan has always liked walks

Broccoli: When we were younger he would take me to the forest a lot to just walk and talk

Broccoli: It was really cute tbh

Gravity hater: Now I see why Todo called you a stalker

Broccoli: What!?

Kermit: She has a point Kero

Kermit: You do have strong stalker behavior

Broccoli: !?

Broccoli: How!!!

Sonic: how?

Sonic: Oh I don't know

Sonic: Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you LITERALLY HAVE SIX BOOKS ALL CENTERED AROUND THIS MAN!!!

Sonic: God damn Izuku!!!!

Broccoli: ...

Gravity hater: Oop-

Sugar daddy: I-

Kermit: Lmao

Broccoli: You're not helping Tsu!!!!

Kermit: Oh I was supposed to help Kero?

Sugar daddy: Lol

Gravity hater: Tsu really out here kicking people while they're down😂😂

Sugar daddy: Frfr

Sonic: Can y'all just come home for the love of Christ!?

Sugar daddy: You're not gonna fuck him Tenya!!!

Sonic: Why the fuck not?!

Sugar daddy: Cuz he's mine damnit!!

Sonic: Well apparently not because you are here talking to us and ignoring him!!!

Sugar daddy: Shit you right!!

Sugar daddy: Ight I'm out

~Sugar daddy has left the chat~

Gravity hater: Tsu let's hangout!!

Kermit: Sure Kero

~Kermit and Gravity hater have left the chat~

Broccoli: guess it's just you and me now Iida!!

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