chapter 9

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A/N: ight y'all I'm feeling better


Tuesday 5:48

"1-A hoes'"

~Hubba bubba, Sonic and 3 others have joined the chat~


Sugar daddy: what the fuck how?!

Kermit: we tried to make hot chocolate kero

Sonic: I still don't understand how we managed to set the kitchen on fire!?

Flex tape: kami sneezed and electrocuted us which caused so many errors

Sugar daddy: well that's on you guys I'm still cuddling a sleeping bakugou

Hubba bubba: WAIT Y'ALL ARE CUDDLING!?!????!!!!

Kermit: Send me a picture kero

Sugar daddy: alright

Sugar daddy:

Hubba bubba: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

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Hubba bubba: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Sonic: guys the kitchen is still on fire!!!

Kermit: but the picture kero!!

Flex tape: help us put it out!!!

Sugar daddy: I'm going I'm going

Flex tape: FINALLY

~Everyone has left the chat~

Todoroki's pov

I turned my phone off and moved Katsuki onto the bed and off of me. When I was getting up I felt home shift and groan.

"Where are you going?" He looked absolutely adorable. He was rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"They set the kitchen on fire" I made sure that my voice was monotone so that he wouldn't know what I was thinking.

"It's so cold" I could see that he was shivering.

"How about we both go downstairs."

"Sure, wait what time is it?"

"It's around 6, why?"

"I'm assuming that you guys didn't eat so let's order some take out"

"Alright sure"

We had both gotten out of bed and put on some socks.

When we entered the common area I was bombarded with people trying to say things all at once.

I walked into the kitchen and froze it, stopping the flames from getting bigger. I then walked over to Katsuki who was on the couch and on his phone.

"So, what do you wanna order? I'll pay for it with my father's credit card"

"Ahh shit, you scared me" he said almost dropping his phone. "I'm ok with whatever"

I told the rest of the class and we decided on what we wanted to eat.

After we ordered some take out we started to watch some Disney movies, forgetting all about burning the kitchen down.

We were eating the take out and talking about random things.

Sero spoke up and jokingly said "hey Kirishima, it's that fact that we call you a rock but you're more of a pebble for me"

Kirishima then turned to Tsuyu and said "hey Tsu it's the fact that you're a whole knock off Kermit for me"

Tsuyu snorted and turned to Mina.

"Hey Mina it's the fact that you want to be pinky pie so bad, for me."

Mina then looked at me and said without breaking eye contact "it's the emotional unavailability, for me"

I was baffled to say the least but nonetheless turned to look at Midoriya.

"It's the stalker attitude, for me"

He looked at Katsuki and said something that none of us were expecting.

"It's the emotional abuse from your own mother, for me Kacchan."

Katsuki didn't even bother looking up from his phone and said "it's the fact that your father didn't love you enough to contact you at least once since he left, for me deku."

We were all left speechless.

"Well it's the superiority complex, for me!!"

"It's the not having a good mentor, for me"

"Are y'all okay?" Denki asked.

"Nah but we're just vibing with it at this point" Katsuki responded.

"Well that enough of that" Momo said.

They rest of the night was spent playing games, watching movies and talking. Eventually everyone went back to their rooms and fell asleep.

I wanted to feel Katsuki curled up against me for some reason.

I fell asleep with him on my mind which wasn't anything new.


A/N: I started this at 5 and then kept getting distracted. Here y'all are.

Love you💖

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