chapter 22

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I groan as I wake up. The girls wouldn't let me go yesterday so I fell asleep in Tsuyu's room.

I grab my phone from beside me and unlock it. I had gotten a couple of texts from Shindo.

Sunday 7:50

Shindo: Baby boy are you okay?

Shindo: Baby?

Shindo: Are you asleep

Monday 5:30

Me: Yea why?

Me: Also I wasn't asleep I was basically being held hostage by the girls

Shindo: Why?

Me: Because of my date

Shindo: Right! I forgot that you had a date with that peppermint boy

Me: Hey! Be nice!

Shindo: Right, I'm sorry

Me: Baby I gotta go get ready for school

Shindo: Alright baby we'll talk later

I chuckled and turn my phone back off. I feel Jirou shift from beside me.

"Up already?" She tiredly asked. I nodded and got up slowly.

I quietly walked out of the room and into my own to take a quick shower.

As soon as I was done I got dressed into my uniform. I brushed my teeth and put the things that I need into my bag.

I quickly ran downstairs and got started on making breakfast for my idiots. Since I was up really early, as per usual, I was able to make food for them. Granted I rarely did so.

I rolled my sleeves up and started making the pancakes. The moment that I started I heard multiple pairs of footsteps run downstairs and into the kitchen.





I chuckled as I heard all of my idiots yell.

"Yes yes now shut up. It's too early for yelling." I replied. They all nodded and sat on their there side of the counter. They kept looking at me.

"STOP FUCKING STARING AT ME OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL STOP MAKING THIS SHIT!" I yelled out as I got tired of being looked at.

At that they quickly diverted their gaze elsewhere. As time went by more and more people came downstairs. I finished up making the last one and served them.

They excitedly sat around the table as they dug in. A small smile laid on my face as I ate my own.

"And mine?" I could practically hear the pout coming from Shouto.

"Mm~ too bad sho. Maybe next time~." I smirked as he came into my line of sight.

"That's not fair Kitten!~" he hugged me from the side as I began eating.

I blatantly ignored him as I kept eating my breakfast. I cut a piece onto my fork but didn't eat it.

"No no no. That is not what happened! In actuality it was Pikachu who fucking stepped on the pie, not The fucking pebble over there." I said as I joined the conversation. Denki whined as I exposed him while Eijiro laughed at the new nickname.

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