chapter 14

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A/N: I live for bratty bakugou


Friday 5:00

"1-A hoes'"

~Hubba bubba, sugar daddy and 13 others have joined the chat~

Hubba bubba: Guys bakubaby is back!!!!!

Sugar daddy: I'm going

The rock: He wants us all to go downstairs

~Hubba bubba, Sugar daddy and 13 others have left the chat~

Todoroki's pov

I was in my room when I got the texts and now I'm in the elevator with several others. When we get downstairs we see people crowding Katsuki.

When he sees that everyone is here he begins to talk.

"I know damn well that you are all nosy fucks but following me and trying to eavesdrop into a private conversation is a whole new level of disrespect." He was now glaring at the 4 people that had followed him, they had lowered their heads.

"I understand that you were worried and shit but you can't just do that!! What we talked about was private and only between us."

"But can you at least tell us somewhat of what he said? We lost you guys." Asked Kirishima.

"It's none of your business." He said back.

"Kitten, I understand that you are annoyed but be nice." I told him in a monotone voice. He flinched under my gaze.

"S-sorry!" He said quickly.

Everyone looked shocked. They kept flickering their gaze back and forth between Katsuki and me, their mouths opening and closing as if they wanted to say something but couldn't.

I made a noise of acknowledgement.

"How did you-!?" Uraraka exclaimed, looking back and forth between Katsuki and I.

"He's not the only one that can tame Kacchan you know?" Midoriya said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Honestly, Shindo also has his ways and so does Deku." Katsuki replied. Why is he so close to Shindo!? Are they dating or something!?

I was starting to get irritated with myself so I decided to change the subject.

"Hey kitten, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" He looked at me with a frown, this can't be good.

"Sorry but I can't, I'm gonna go to Shindo's tomorrow." This irked me but I just wanted to be close to him.

"Well then why don't we hang out right now, in my room?" He nodded and we walked up to my room, leaving everyone clearly shocked.

I don't know how we ended up with him sitting on my waist with me laying down on my back using our phones. But we did and we were like that for an hour.

"So.... What happened?" I asked him, turning off my phone.

"What do you mean?" He didn't even bother looking up from his phone.

"I mean when he pulled you away" I rolled my eyes at the fact that he still hadn't looked up from his phone. I snatched his phone and turned it off, placing it next to me.

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