chapter 10

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A/N: I'm about to start school in a few days.


Wednesday 4:06


~Hubba bubba, portable charger and 3 others have joined the chat~

Hubba bubba: Hey guys let's go to the mall!!!!

Spoiled brat: Can't

Portable charger: Awww c'mon please!!!!!

Spoiled brat: I can't go

The rock: Why not bakubro?

Spoiled brat: Imma hang out with Shindo today

Flex tape: Wait so ur gonna hang out with ur secret boyfriend and not us!!!

Hubba bubba: How rude!

The rock: Can we tag along

Spoiled brat: I'll ask him

~Spoiled brat has left the chat~

Hubba bubba: I wanted to go to the mall😤

Portable charger: Calm down

Flex tape: Maybe we can go next time

Hubba bubba: But I wanna go now!!!

The rock: What's taking him so long?

Portable charger: Hey guys remember when we were in bakubro's room and we were talking?

The rock: Yea what about it?

Portable charger: Didn't he say that he had sex with Iida!?

Flex tape: Oh shit

Hubba bubba: Can't believe that Mr 'class rep' is getting it on!!!!

The rock: He also said that he had sex with Shindo



Hubba bubba: He also said that he had sex with Shinsou right?

Portable charger: Wait what!?

~Spoiled brat has joined the chat~

Portable charger: Explain!!!

Spoiled brat: Explain what?

Flex tape: Read the texts

Spoiled brat: Ok ok ok ok

Spoiled brat: It was in the heat of the moment with Shinsou but I only had sex with him once and that was literally 2 days after we met

Portable charger: So you didn't know that I liked him at that time?

Spoiled brat: Exactly

Hubba bubba: Now what's this wiTH IIDA!?

Spoiled brat: Ok so that has happened a couple times

Hubba bubba: Bitch what!?

Flex tape: How!?

Spoiled brat: He's too stressed and I was there one time and then we fucked and then it became a regular thing

Spoiled brat: So that's why he isn't as stressed anymore

The rock: Who would've thought

Portable charger: Lmao🤣

Flex tape So like u have a secret boyfriend?

Spoiled brat: Omfg no!!

Hubba bubba: And if he did it would be Todoroki!!!!

Spoiled brat: No!!!

Spoiled brat: And Shindo said that y'all could also tag along

Hubba bubba: Where are we going?

Spoiled brat: Originally we were gonna chill at his house but then I told him how bad u wanted to go to the mall so he agreed and now we're going to the mall

Hubba bubba: YAYYYYYY!!!!!

Flex tape: What I wanna know is how many times have y'all fucked?

Spoiled brat: Many times

Hubba bubba: But Todoroki!!!!!!

Spoiled brat: WHY!?


Spoiled brat: NO!

Flex tape: Honestly she right

Spoiled brat: Wha-

The rock: Yep

Portable charger: Yea

Spoiled brat: The betrayal I feel right now

The rock: You guys would!!!!

Spoiled brat: 😤

Portable charger: let's just get ready

Flex tape: Ight

~Everyone has left the chat~


A/N: schools 'bout to begin for me and I'm not ready for it

Love y'all🥰

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