Davina Clarie

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Davina's POV

Currently, I was in my room. Brushing my hair out, as I always do towards the evening. I have a simple life. It's a nice, relaxing, peaceful life. My father, King John, my sister, Katerina, but, I sometimes call her Katherine, and my best friends, Josh, and Cami. I love everything about my life. Except for the fact. That's it's so, boring! I have to do the same thing every day, since I was 12. But I'm 17 now, and the only freedom I have, is when I sneak out. I'm a little bit of a rebel. My father, doesn't know this. Only my sister, and my general. Me and Katherine are very close, and we love each other more then we'd like to admit. Yes, we have are fusses, but in the end, she's my older sister.

Anyway, I was getting ready to go out to see my friends actually. My hair was brushed, and laid on my shoulders and back. I had a lovely navy blue dress on, and a cape so no one will recognize me. I start to walk out, when all of a sudden, my assigned general, Marcel, comes into view. "And where do you think your going?" He asks me, and I smile, "To the kitchen." I say, and he smiles, and nods, "Dressed like that?" He asks, looking me up and down, in a 'really' way. I nod again, "It's getting quite chilly this time of year in the castle." I lie, but Marcel is like a second father to me. He knows everything. "Davina. Where are you going?" He says again, sternly. I sigh in defeat, "Out to the village, to see some of my friends. Please Marcel, let me go?" I ask, and he huff's, "Who are these friends?" He asks me, and I smile, "Joshua, and Camille. Please?" I ask, and he finally, nods. "Fine, just, go out the back this time." He whispers, "Thank you!" I hug him, and make my way out of the palace.

I start walking down the village way, until I see my friends house. They are live together, but not in that way. Josh, fancied men, while Cami and Marcel have a weird- I don't really know? I knock on the door, and Josh answers. "There's my favorite princess!" He says, pulling me into a hug, "Hi Josh!" I hug back, and smile at the warmth of my friend. "Where's Cami?" I ask, as we pull apart, "I'm here! Sorry, I had to finish a couple things." She says, and I frown. "What things?" I ask her, and her and Josh smile. "This thing." She says, holding up a lovely flower made crown. "We all have one!" Josh says, putting his on. I laugh, and put my on, "It's beautiful. Thank you guys." I say, pulling Cami into a hug, and then we all group hug. "Anyway, got any juicy royal gossip?" Josh asks, and I lay down on the bed, "Just a little. A prince is coming into town for some reason. My father is the only one who knows of the reason, but it has something to do with my sister." I tell them, "How is Katerina by the way?" Cami asks, and I smile. "It's hers and Stefan's one year anniversary today. I'm so happy for her. I hope one day I can find a love like that." I tell them, "That's sweet." Josh says. That entire day was full of laughs, and secrets sharing, and a little mischief. But then, it started getting dark, so I headed back home.

When I got to the palace, as I was going back up to my room, I heard yelling and screaming, coming from the throne room. So, I entered, wanting to know what was happening. "Father? Katerina? What's going on?" I ask them, Katherine is in tears, and my father's face was red, "Nothing sweety. Get back to your room." He tells me, and I frown. "Katherine? What's wrong?" I ask her, "Ask him!" She yells, and storms out of the room. "Katerina remember what I said!" He yells, and I look at my father. "Father, what did you do?" I ask him, and he scoffs, "Davina ,your to young to understand-" He starts, "To young?! Excuse my language father, but I am 17! I am old enough to know why my older sister, is in tears!" I yell, and he sighs, "I suppose." He huffs, and I glare at him. Wanting to know what he said to Katherine to make her that way. "Do you know the prince that is coming into town?" He asks me, and I nod, "His name, is Lord Kol. His father, is King Mikael." He tells me, and my eyes widen. "K-king Mikael?" I say, in disbelief. "Yes. King Mikael. The strongest in the land. He needs a bride for his 4th son, and-" But I cut him off "Father. Please don't tell me you-you put Katerina up for this?" I ask him, "So what if I did! That girl needs to get her head out of the clouds!" He yells, and I scoff. "Father Katerina is already in love with another! You cannot force her to-" He cuts me off, "I can, and I will! She will marry the Lord Kol Mikaelson, and there is nothing you can say, or anyone else can, to change my mind!" He yells at me, and I shake my head. I started walking off, but stopped halfway. "I thought you believed in love. But ever since mother's death, you've changed. I guess your heart has as well..." I say, and run from the throne room.

I follow the sound of sniffles, and sobs, all the way to Katherine's room. I knock before I enter, "Katherine?" I ask, and she sits up, and looks at me. "D-davina?" She sobs, and I smile, and go over to her. "Father told me his cruel decision." I say, as I hold her in my arms. "Oh, sister. I do not wish to marry Lord Kol." She cry's, and I feel horrible for her. "I know you don't. And you shouldn't. What you and Stefan have is special." I tell her, and she scoffs, "Tell father that. He's changed Davina. He won't let me love who I wish. And I'm sure Lord Kol is a great man, but, but-" She starts, but I already know the finish, "But Stefan is your true love. And he can't just take that away." I tell her. "What should I do?" She asks me, sitting up, I frown, "I don't know sister. But, I'm sure we will think of something. In the mean time. You need to tell Stefan." I tell her, and she nods. "Yes, I do." She says, and stands up, but I grab her arm, "I ment tommorow Katerina. Right now, you must rest." I say, and she nods, and lays down. I stand up, and go to leave, but she stops me, "Wait, Davina?" She says, and I turn to face her, "Yes?" I ask, "Can you stay with me?" She says, and I nod, "Of course." I say, and we cuddle up together. "I love you Katherine." I say, "I love you more Davina." She says. And we're soon off to sleep.

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