A Turn of Events

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Warning. Mentions of guns, blood, and a bit of gore.

Kol's POV

My blood is boiling, my heart has stopped beating. The world has stopped. Everything I thought I knew, I don't anymore. I never knew anger until this. "Let her go!" I yell, and they just laugh. "You don't even wanna know why we took her?" Sage says. I start to walk up to them, but then Aurora holds a knife to Davina's throat, and that instantly makes me stop. "Why sage? I loved you?" Finn says, coming up beside me. Sage chuckles, "Because Finn dear. You are a suck up. Kissing up to your mommies throne every chance you get! You know nothing of love, and you never will!" She says, "Aurora? You-you were my friend? Why do fight against me?" Rebekah asks, "Oh, love. We still are friends. Always, and forever." Aurora says, and I glare at her, while she winks at me.

"If we're truly friends. Then let the pour girl go. She didn't do anything wrong-" Rebekah starts, "Yes she as! She has done the worst sin of them all!" Aurora shouts. "She stole my love. My heart. With one glance! She always gets whatever she wants, and it isn't fair to those of us who have to work for it!" She shouts, using the knife closer to Davina throat. "That isn't true! Davina has worked for many things in her life, and just because she is royalty, doesn't mean anything!" I shout. The only people still here are, Cami, Josh, my father, my siblings, Katerina, and Stefan. Along with Davina and these crazy bitches. "But she didn't work for you?! It was one night alone with her, and you were head over heels! That isn't fair to the those of us who will give you what you really need." Aurora says.

"Are you saying that's you? He doesn't need people kidnapping his love, and killing her?!" Cami yells, "What can you say. Love makes you do some crazy things." She says back. "And what of you sage? Why are you doing this? Don't tell me your in love with my brother?" Finn asks, making them both chuckle. "Kol is cute, but I am doing this for my throne, that is rightfully mine." She says, "What throne? You idiotic woman?! The throne would have gone to my eldest which is-" Esther starts. "Freya. Finn is no longer the eldest, as Freya has returned to us... That means-" My father starts, "I am heir to the throne of the Mystic falls kingdome..." Freya says. "Exactly. I found out that there was another Mikaelson sibling, and I was furious. I had to find another way to get my crown, and when I found Aurora. It was perfect." She says.

"If it's the throne you want, you can have it! I don't need, nor want it, if it means my brothers love must die!" Freya says, "It's to late for that! Besides, I promised Aurora she'd have Kol if I got my crown." Sage says, "That is not your decision to make!" I yell, and Aurora is seethed in anger now. "Why do you love her anyway? Sure she's young and beautiful, but what else? She's a brat! She's a child, and nothing more-" She starts, but stops mid sentence, when another shot is heard. "She was so, annoying." Sage says, as Aurora falls to the ground. Sage had killed Aurora right in front of everyone. "NO AURORA!" Rebekah screamed, and cried, as she went to her dead friends corpse. Davina's eyes were wide, and tears flowed, after another. "Y-you k-killed her?" Caroline says. "She was gonna get in the way. Now, Finn it's your turn." She says, and everyone had fear in there eyes, was she going to shoot my brother too? But then, Finn grabbed a gun from his pocket, and pointed it at Freya. "I'm sorry sister." He says, and Freya has fear in her eyes.

"No. Brother, why?" She says, tears falling. "She threatened me. And frankly, my life is a bit more important then yours." He says, "Finn! No!" My father shouts, as my mother cries. "Finn. Put the gun down." I say, and he points it at me, making Davina shout, "Mhmm!" She cries. And then he points the gun back at Freya. "I'm sorry sister." He says. "Finn, my son please. You can have the throne, have it all. You don't have to do this." My father says, in tears. "Father. It's ok. Do it. I want you to. Shoot me. The throne will be yours, and nothing will stop you. All of those memories though, of us. They'll die with me. Do it, I wanna see you pull the trigger." She says, and Finn is now sobbing, as he holds the gun to Freya. "I-Im, sorry..." He says, and we all close are eyes, and we here a trigger pulled. By now, we're all crying.

We open are eyes, and Freya is standing there, fine. No blood on her. But then, "NO! BROTHER!" She shouts, kneeling to his body. He had killed himself.... Klaus, Elijah, and me all go over to his body. "No, wake up! Please!" I cry. "Finn, brother please!" Elijah and Klaus cry. Rebekah cries over her dead, child hood friend, and her now dead brother. Then, we here laughing. I turn to see Sage laughing, with tears coming down her face.

"Well that was a turn of events."

Finn... Aurora... Who will be next? Will they save Davina? Freya is now heir, officially. Damn, this was a sad chapter...don't forget to comment, and vote.

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