Cami's talk time

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Kol's POV

"Sir, would you like your suit to be black, or white?" "Both?" "Flower with it?" "Sure?" "A tie would look lovely on you my Lord, but also a bow wouldn't hurt?" "Uh, you choose?" "Would you like the lady to have your last name?" "If she wants it?" "Are you ok with the preacher?" "I mean, I haven't met him-" "Would the wedding be in a church, or the palace, or somewhere else?" "The palace?" "Have you wrote, or practiced your vows?" "Not yet-" "What about your reception speech?"" What speech-Ok, you know what, everyone get the bloody hell out now!" I shout, and everyone leaves. Since 7 in the morning I have been bombarded with wedding questions. Before Davina left, I could answer them because I knew they weren't real but now, everything's different. I can't even focus on the question, because all I can think about is Davina... Her eyes, her smile, her skin, her body, her laugh, her hair, her everything! Everything that I never wanted! This would have never happened, if I had stayed away from marriege, and love in the first place! This is why I don't love. Because in the end, your left with a broken heart, no matter what the outcome! You can't change facts... Trust me, I tried.

Then there was a knock, "I swear to God I will-" I start, "Chill out bro it's just me." Kai says, entering. "I'll kill you to." I smile, and he chuckles. "So, how you holden up?" He asks me. "Well, my fiance, sent the love of my life to god knows where, and her father is forcing me to marry her. Oh, and she doesn't want the damn marriege either. But besides that, I'm doing bloody fantastic!" I sarcastically say. And he looks down. "Jeremy told Bonnie he loved her." Kai says, "Good for him." I say back, and Kai sighs. "Maybe you should see someone about this whole, thing." Kai sits next to me, "See someone? Like a shrink?" I ask him, and he nods. "There's one in the village. Her name is Cami. You should really go see her. She just got her degree, but she's good dude." He tells me, and I stand up. "Maybe that's not a bad idea." I say, knowing Cami, is one of Davina's friends. And she might want to help find her. "Really? Cool, uh. Want me to-" He starts, "No, I'll go alone. But, your welcome to stay?" I put my jacket on, heading towards the door. "Alright." Kai says, and I jet towards the village.

Cami's POV

"Cami, calm down. I'm sure she's just, out of the kingdom for a bit." Josh says, as I pace back and fourth in my cottage. "Josh, she wouldn't just leave out of town without telling someone. I bet Katerina did this. Ever since Stefan Salvatore left her, she's been such a bitch to Davina." I say, "Why would she send her own sister away?" He asks me, "I don't know? She probably just wanted her gone? Or-" I start, but there's a knock on the cottage. "Are we expecting anyone?" Cami asks Josh. "Not that I know of." He says, answering the door, and I frown as I see Kol. "Can I help you?" Josh asks, "Yes, actually. I need to speak with Camille." He says, "She's a little busy right now-" He starts, "Josh. I'm fine. How about you go get some stuff for dinner?" I ask him, "Sure." He says, leaving, as Kol enters. "What can I help you with my Lord?" I ask, trying to be polite, as I sit down on the coach, gesturing for him to sit as well.

"Please, call me Kol." He says, as he takes a seat. I smile, and nod. "Ok Kol. What brings you to my home?" I politely say. He clears his throat. "Well, uh. You know about the whole, Davina and me, situation, and your one of the few who do." He starts, and I nod again. "Yes. Have you, heard from her lately?" I ask him, "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about. Katerina, she... She, found out about me and her. She found out, everything. And when she did, she sent Davina away, to the middle of nowhere." He says, and my eyes widen. "What?!" I ask, a little angry. "But then, we talked, and she tried to fix her mistakes. Even tried calling off the wedding, but, the king. John, he is now forcing us to marry, he even threaten my throne, and his own daughter!" Kol says, clenching his fists. "My, god. I knew the king has changed but this. This is just, insanity." I mutter. "So, is Davina coming back?" I ask him, "Unfortunately, no. Katerina tried getting her back, but John won't tell anyone know where she is. And now, I'm getting bombarded with wedding questions, and I'm being forced into something, I didn't want in the first place." He says, again, and I put on a weak smile.

"Have you tried talking to your father?" I ask him, and he scoffs. "Just so he can agree with John? Or find another wife for me elsewhere? I think not." He says, "What about Katerina? Does she still want the wedding, or are you two in the same position?" I ask him. "Pretty much, yes. She doesn't want this. She wants Davina back, as do I..." He says, "I know how you feel." I say, standing up, getting some tea, and handing him a cup. "How does this entire situation make you feel. Davina being sent away, the king's decision, Katerina's change of heart?" I ask him. "I feel. Angry, at Katerina, and John. Katerina because she sent my love away, John because he not only threatened me, but my Davina." He says, and I nod. "I also feel, sorrow. I miss her, you know. For as long as I can remember, I thought-knew love was a weakness. Something that made you put your guard down. Make you risk more then you have. And then, this one girl comes in, and everything just. Changes." He says, and I nod again.

"But then, I also feel relieved, that Katerina has came to her senses, and she's normal again. Herself, again." He finishes, and I sip my tea. "Kol. What your experiencing, is called Ambivalence. The feeling of multiple emotions, built up on one object." I tell him. "Is that, bad?" He asks me, and I giggle. "It's not always good. But not always terrible. You see, usually, Ambivalence is caused by stress. And, from the looks of it, your exactly that. Stressed. So many different things, happening at once, and you not used to it, because your life used to be so simple." I say again, and he sighs. "It was. I was... The prince charming. The victimizer, not the victim. And now, I'm here, and everything is, different..." He says, and I nod. "You feel that you are the victim? But, in who's story?" I ask him. "I'm not the victim. I'm a victim, but, the true victim in this story is Davina. And, honestly, I don't know who's story this is." He says, and I nod. "How about, you figure out that, while I find a way to get are girl back." I smile, and he smiles. "Thank you Camille." He say, "Please. Call me Cami." I say. "I wish I could tell you more, or be more of help, but, I'm going through a lot right now as well, and I don't think I can exactly solve your problems, until I've at least sorted out mine." I say, and he nods. "I understand. You to are close." He says, and I smile. "She's like a sister to me. The one I've always wanted, but never had." I say, as he makes his way to the door. "Good luck on your story hunting." I say, and he chuckles. "Good luck finding our girl." He says, leaving.

I do wonder. Who's story are we living?

I know it's been a while since I've updated, but it's here. Can we just take a minute to recognize how great Cami is? And Kol is going through a lot. Who's story are they living? Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to vote.

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