Mysterious maiden

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In the picture above, pretend like, that green shirt, is actually a long dress.

Also, this is what Davina was doing, while Katherine and Stefan were talking.

Kol's POV

Me and my father were about to leave. Off to the kingdom of New Orleans, which will be a long carriage ride. All of the luggage was packed, and now, we were just saying goodbye. First up, my sister, Rebekah. "Goodbye Brother. I hope you find what your looking for!" She says, and I smile, "So you hope father will change his mind? Me too little sister." I say, and she frowns, "No silly. I hope you like the girl." She says, and I glare at her, "Not what I hope for, but ok." I say, and move on to my brother, Elijah, "Now Kol. Remember, have manners, and-" He starts, "And blah blah Elijah, I know." I say, and he glares at me, and I smile. Next, is Nik. "You know I wasn't excited to settle down either. But, hey, maybe you'll meet someone that's not in the castle" He tells me looking at Caroline who is over playing with some children. "Nik, I'm happy for you, I am. But, I really don't wanna bet married." I say, and he smirks, "Sure." He says, And I frown. Last, but not least, mother. "Remember what I said son. Love isn't weak" She whispers, but her words go threw one ear, and out the other. "Hm" I say, not wanting to get slapped again. "Good. Have fun my child." He says, and I smile, "Oh I will." I say back. I always have fun, and if there's no fun around, I'll make fun happen.

"Let's go boy!" My father yells, and I get into the carriage, "I'm coming!" I say once I'm in. "Go!" My father yells the couch, and we're off for my future wife. But, hey, maybe she might not want get married? Oh who am I kidding, that's wishful thinking Kol.

Davina's POV

I was out in the village. My sister should be with Stefan right about now, and I really hope everything goes well. I'm currently wearing a lovely green colored love dress, with buttons in the front. Cami made it for me. She makes wonderful corsets as well. I have my hair in long, curls, and I also have my mother's necklace on. Me and Katerina take turns wearing it. This week, it's my turn. Anyway, I was out with Cami actually, as Josh was out of town for the weekend. Me and her were in the market, shopping for new clothing ideas for her.

"What about this one. It has a lovely periwinkle color to it." I say, holding up a lovely jewel. "I suppose. But, I don't think it will look right with the blue?" She says, and I nod, "Ok, want about pearls? I'm sure we can find some here?" I ask her, and she smiles. "That sounds just right. Let's go!" She says.

Kol's POV

It's been a good 2 hours on the road, and father is still talking about, actually, I don't know? I haven't been listening. "Sire, we have arrived in the town of New Orleans!" The couch says, and I smirk and look out of the window, like a kid on Christmas. "Kol! Are you listening?!" My father snaps in my face, "Uh, yes, and no? I was admiring the village." I tell him, "What, this one ponyes town?" He asks, and I nod, "It looks peaceful." I say, and he's about to say something, but then the carriage stops. All of a sudden, the carriage just bolts over, in an intimate stop! Almost causing us to wreck. Why did we stop? And why so sudden?

Davina's POV

I was walking the path back to the palace, when all of a sudden, I'm about to get hit with a carriage, but it comes to a stop, and I and furious! They almost hit me?! And I knew they could see me! Who's in that stupid thing anyway?!

"Hey!" I shout, and a man walks out. He looks to be in his 40's, maybe 50's. "What are you doing you foolish girl!" He yells, "Me?! Foolish?! Your the one who almost hit me!" I yell back, and he comes closer, "What is a peasant like you doing out here anyway?!" He shouts, and I feel like I'm going to slap him! Whoever he is! "Peasant? How dare you speak to me that way!" I yell, and he scoffs, "Do you know who I am child?!" I yells, and I shake my head "No! And frankly, I don't care! You are careless, and almost hit a pour girl, who was minding her own, damn, business!" I shout again, "What's with all the ruckus?" A another man says. Stepping out of the carriage. And my, is he something to look at... Who is he?

Kol's POV

"Do you know who I am child?!" I here my father yell. Whoever this girl is, she as a mouth. "No! And frankly, I don't care! You are careless, and almost hit a pour girl, who was minding her own, damn, business!" I couldn't see who the girl was. All I knew, is she had guts if she spoke to my father that way. But, I should probably put an end to this. "What's with all the ruckus?" I ask, stepping out of the carriage, and my am I glad I did. There standing behind my father, was a gorgeous looking brunette, with long, curly hair. She had a lovely green long dress on, and a cape as well. "Son, get back in the carriage!" He yells at me. But I don't listen, and I walk over to the maiden. "What's going on?" I ask the two. "This foolish girl was almost caused me to us to wreck!" He yells, but the lady just scoffs, "Maybe if you had a better coach, who knew how to drive, then we wouldn't in this situation!" She yells back. "Father, let the girl explain." I say, and the girl scoffs, "I do not wish to explain myself to you!" She says, and walks off. In the direction of the castle actually. Man, was she something. Beautiful, and had a lot of opinions.

My father scoffs, "Kids these days." He says, "Let's go boy. We're almost there!" He says, and I follow after him. But not without the thought of, 'Who is this mysterious maiden?'

Later that night.

Katerina's POV

I was all packed. I was going to tell Davina about me and Stefan running, but instead, I just left a note on her bed. I was sneaking out at the moment, I had my bag in one hand, and my cape in the other. After some hiding, and talking, I managed to escape the castle, and I went to the garden, where Stefan said he would be. And he was, but, he didn't have a bag, nor a jacket, or, anything really. He was looking down, and he looked sad. I frowned, and then went over to him.

"Is that all your bringing?" I asked him, but he didn't look at me. "Stefan? Are you alright?" I asked him, and his eyes were puffy, and his cheeks were stained of tears. "My love, what's wrong?" I ask him, dropping everything, and putting both my hands on his face. But he immediately pulled them off, making me more confused. "Katerina, I-I cannot do this..." He tells me, and I looked confused. "What? Are you scared of leaving, because I promise you Stefan, nothing bad will-" I start, "No! T-that's not the problem-i mean, yes, I don't want to run away, but it's not because I'm scared..." He says, his voice a bit shaky. I can feel tears start to form in my eyes. "Then what is it?" I ask him, stepping back, "I, I do not wish to be with you any longer. This-us, what we have, I do not want it..." He explains, and I put my hands on his face again, "But, Stefan. We-we love each other, we were supposed to run, and build are own kingdom, get married, have kids, and we were supposed to rule..." I say, a tear coming down. "That was before! I was just using you for my own needs! I do not need you any longer, as I have moved along you! I don't love you Katerina Claire, and I never did!" Stefan yells! "Now we both know those are lies! You do, or did love me!" I yell back, and he chuckles, but not playfully. "Maybe once. But not anymore..." He says, and I swear I could see tears in his eyes. "Stefan, please-" I start, "Your only making it harder for yourself! We were fools to think we could run away, and actually be happy! I thought you were different then others, but your not! Your needy, and petty, and only care for yourself! I no longer love you!" He yells, I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry, and cry, until I couldn't anymore. But, I didn't. "And this is how you feel?" I ask him, and he nods, "Yes. I don't love you." He sternly says. "Fine, Stefan. I guess I was wrong." I turn around, "We weren't the epic loves, of each others young lives..." I say, and I can here him walk off. Once I know he's our of sight, I fall to my knees, and let it all out. I sob, and sob... "No one will ever love me......."

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