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Davina's POV

I was sitting in my room, like always, watching the sun rise, as it's extremely early in the morning. Kol is out of town, since his tux fitting is in Mystic falls, where he is originally from. My sister already has her dress, as I was informed by my father, since me and Katherine haven't been on speaking terms. I'm not mad at her, nor do I think she is mad at me but, again, I feel, guilty, like, I'm betraying her...

I sigh, and get out of bed, my door is open, as my father left it when he did those stupid night check ups. I watched, as Katerina passes my door, headed to her room. I frown, and get up, walking out of my bedroom, and quietly following her to hers. Once she's in her room, I step to the door, and knock. "Come in!" She yells, and slowly open the door, and her eyes widen as I walk in. "Davina, I wasn't expecting you?" She says, as if I'm nothing more then her friend. "Yes, well... I wanted to see you, as you are my older sister." I say, walking over to her bed. She smiles, "Yes, I am. What did you want to talk about sister, as I am quite busy at the moment." She says, pointing to the papers in front of her. I frown. Before, she would drop everything to speak with me, or even have fun... But now, it's... different... "Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to play football in the garden? You know, like we used to, when we were kids?" I ask her, and she giggles, but not playfully. "Davina, football was merely a childhood game. We are women now, we cannot be seen, nor doing things like football." She tells me, and I frown. Before, she would jump to her feet to play any games with anybody... "Well no one would know. It could be a secret!" I smile, and she scoffs, "Oh, like how you sneak out, and how me and Stefan were going to run? Davina, secrets are nothing more then lies!" She raises her voice, and I start to get sad, and angry, but more importantly, I feel my heart rip. "Who have you become?! This is not the sister I remember! The sister I remember knew how to have fun! And could keep a secret?!" I yell back, standing up. She stands up as well, "Well I'm not the sister you once knew! I have changed, and I might be a buzz kill, but at least I'm acting mature, and not like a brat!" She yells back, and I gasp, and feel the tears beginning to arise, "I'm respectful, and I don't laugh off whenever I get the chance! I'm doing what's right, even if I don't want to! Infact, what's right at the moment, is telling father about your feild trips you take in the night!" She yells, making me immediately react, "What?! Sister, please-" I start, "No Davina! You must be taught a lesson!" She yells back, "Katerina, please! Please do not take the only freedom I have left in this cruel world!" I yell, and pull her forearm, so she can't leave the room. "Maybe, you'd have more freedom, if you grow up!" She yells, tugging her arm away from mine, pushing me to her bed, and stomping away.

The tears finally flow out, breaking the barrier I was trying so hard to hold up... I bring my knees up to my chest, and cry. I soon start to sob, and I roll so I'm laying on the bed. I can here the conversation down stairs, making me cry, even more...

She did what?!

It is true father... I didn't want to tell you, as I love her with everything I hold dear, but, she must learn responsibility...

That is right! She must. Therefore, she is grounded! Never to leave the castle grounds, unless her general, Marcellous is with her!

I cry even more, knowing that Marcel has been loyal to my father even more, ever since Kol came to town... I will never have my freedom ever again... My eyes are closed shut, and I hear the conversation stop. My hands on my eyes, and my knees still to my chest. But then, I feel a hand on my shoulder, "There, there Davina... I'm doing this for your own good... You will have your freedom, one day." I hear Katerina coo, and I want to stand up, and slap her, but instead, I say, "I suppose..." I cry, and she holds me in her arms, "I did this for you. Everything I do, is because I love you." She says, and I want to hug her back, have her hold me in her arms, but instead, I don't do anything, and let her hold me. "You've changed..." I whisper, and she nods, "No. I just got my heart broken, and now, I'm trying to piece it back together." She whispers back, holding my head on her lap, I frown, "By marrying Lord Kol?" I ask, sitting up, she smiles, and puts a strand of hair behind my ear, "Yes, and no. By doing what's best for the kingdom." She tells me, and I nod. "No matter how much you say you haven't changed." I start, looking down. I then stand up, "You have." I say, and she frowns, "I remember when you had no freedom. You used to come to my room, and tell me stories, even though father said never to leave your room. And when you and Stefan were planning on leaving, I overheard you and Kol. I already knew before I found the note, and did I tell a soul, NO! Because I care!" I raise my voice, getting angry at my sister. "You-you eavesdropped on my conversation with Kol?! Your more of a child then I thought!" She yells, and I frown, "That's all you heard from that sentence! God Katherine, you say your doing this for the kingdom, you say your trying to piece yourself together, but in truth, your trying to make everyone else miserable! I-Its like you only listen to yourself!" I yell, and immediately leave her room, running to my own.

I tried. I tried to make amends, I tried to be the bigger person, and step up. But she just had to go and destroy my freedom! Now, I'm not aloud to leave the castle without an escort! My father cut the vines from my window! Marcel even told me that he is listening to my father's order, and watching over me! And, I'm not aloud to be out, for more then 3 hours! I thought life was boring before, but now, it's just unfair!

I hate you, Katerina.

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