Sneaking around

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This chapter contains some rated scenes, but there not that bad.

Katerina's POV

It's been 2 weeks since me and Kol slept together. The wedding is in 2 more weeks, and Kol is leaving. Again. He says he's going to run errands for different people, but, who knows. "Now where are you going?" I ask him, and he puts on a new shirt. "I told you. There was a villager who needs my help with something." He answers a, little annoyed. I nod, "That's like, the 14 villager who've helped out?" I tell him, and he nods. "I like helping people." He says, and leave. Again. I know he doesn't want to marry me. And, I don't wanna marry him. But, it's what's best, at least, that's what I tell myself....

Davina's POV

I was in my room, brushing my hair out. It's been about 2 weeks since me and Kol had sex in the woods. I love him so much, but, I can't help but feel guilty? He is to be married to my sister, and here we are, sneaking around like a bunch of mice.  I finish my hair, and go to my closet, and then there is a knock on my door. I frown, and then go over to the door. "Can I-Kol!" I jump into his arms. The guilt washing away instantly, and I pull back, just to give him a passionate kiss. "Ready?" He asks me. "Almost. I just need to get my cape." I say. Kol is taking me out on a date tonight. I'm so excited to see what he has come up with. It's always a surprise with him. This will be are 4th date we've been on. Sometimes he comes over and we just talk. Sometimes I come over, when my sister isn't around, and we sleep together. And then there are times, when we go out. Like this time.

"Ok, let's go." I say, and he walks out of my room, while I go to my window. My window, has a bunch of vine on the walls, so, I climb down the stones, until I reach the ground. I run to the garden, and see Kol already there. I smile, the adrenaline running in my veins, as I run into his arms. He picks me up, and spins me around, and kiss, until he puts me down. "I have a surprise for you my darling." He smiles down at me, and I smile wider, "Oh? What is this surprise?" I ask him, and he looks around, "I can not dare tell you here. Let's go" He tells me, and grabs my hand, and takes me to the end of the garden, where his horse is. I smile at the beautiful creature, and pet his front hair, "Her name is Darling." He says, and I smile, "She's quite a beauty." I say, nuzzling in her neck, "I've had her since she was a pony." He says again, coming to me and placing a hand on my waist. "And as much as I love seeing my girls get along, we must be going." He whispers in my ear, and I smile, and bit my lip, looking at the majestic, brown and white beauty one more time, before Kol gets on and helps me up behind him. I hold on tight to his waist, and cuddle up to him, "Ready?" He asks, and I smile, "Always." I say, and before I knew it, we are riding out of the town.

"Kol? Where are we riding off to?" I ask him, a little fear in my voice. "You'll see love, just wait." He says, and Darling starts to go faster. I frown, as we make a turn into the woods, and we keep riding through beautiful willow trees, that are all alined perfectly, and it looks as if there make a tunnel, and my god, is it beautiful...

 I frown, as we make a turn into the woods, and we keep riding through beautiful willow trees, that are all alined perfectly, and it looks as if there make a tunnel, and my god, is it beautiful

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"Kol, this is beautiful." I admire the tunnel of trees, and I can feel him smirk, "Yes well, it doesn't hold a candle to the place we are moments from arriving." He tells me, and I frown again. "What could be more beautiful then this?" I ask, a little laugh in my voice, "Well, besides you my darling, the next landscape is quite charming." He compliments, and I smirk, and bit my lip. After riding through the tunnel of willow trees, we start to go through the woods again, but then, Kol holt's Darling, making her immediately stop, and I frown again, in confusion. "Kol? Why did we stop?" I ask, and and he smirks, as he gets off the horse, helping me down after words. "Because, inorder to take in everything, we must walk the rest of the way." He says, putting his hand on for me to reach for. I smile, and take is hand in mine.

We've been walking for a good 8 minutes now, and it's been amazing. Kol has Darling at his side, walking her as well, as me and Kol talk, and laugh, it's all so, so, dreamy... But then, we come to a bridge, and my breath hitched at the sight. "Just under this bridge here, that's are destination." He smirks, and I smile. Instead of us walking on the bridge, he ties Darling to a near by tree, and we walk down beautiful stone steps, and Kol wasn't lying when he said this landscape was more gorgeous then the other. It was breath taking. Beautiful water falls, and beautiful water, and cliffs, and more, all of it, gorgeous.

Kol's POV

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Kol's POV

"Oh, Kol." She says, covering her mouth in shock. "Do you like it? Is it to much?" I ask, feeling a bit nervous about all this. She shakes her head, and turns around to face me. She pulls me in, for a passionate kiss. We pull apart, and she steps back, biting her lip, which for the record, is probably the sexiest thing she could do. That was, until she reaches in the back of her dress, and unlaced it. Pulling the sleeves down her arms, and taking her dress off, leaving her in nothing but her knickers. I bit my own lip at the sight, and she smiles. "You are such a little minx." I tell her as she steps back further, still making eye contact with me. Davina is only a few inches from the water now, and she pulls her panties down, turns around, and starts walking in the water. She walks in the water, until she's fully under.

"Get in! The water is great!" She yells, and I smirk, "Don't gotta tell me twice darling." I respond, and start taking off my clothes...

Davina's POV

I go underwater, staying under as long as I can. I love water... The feeling in my skin, the warmth, or chill it brings. When I come up for air though, Kol isn't there? I frown. "Kol?" I yell out, but no response. "Kol!" I yell again. I'm about to get out of the water, when something comes up behind me, and kisses my neck. I smile, knowing the only person it could be. "Don't do that." I laugh, and I smirks on my neck. "Sorry love." He whispers in my here, and I smile. My breath catches in my throat, as his bare chest, touches my back, and I can feel his hard member from behind. "Kol." I moan out, and he hums. I turn around, and rap my legs around his. He holds me up with his hands on my ass, and I smile, "What do you think will become of us once you and my sister are wedded?" I ask him, looking straight into his eyes. "I'm not sure love. But, I do know, that no matter what happens, I will always, love you..." He says, and I smile, we lean in, kissing each other's lips once again. "And I will always love you." I whisper against his lips. We kiss again, and he starts to kiss down my jaw, and my neck, and I lean my head back to give him more access, and I let out little moans.

"Love, are you sure you want to do this underwater?" He asks, and I bring my lips to his, "We've already been in a forest, what's stopping us now?" I smirk, and he smirks, and I can here a growl rumble in his chest, making me want to moan at the sound... "I love you." He smirks, as we pull apart, "I love you more." I say, and he shakes his head in a playful way, "There is no possible way!" He protests, and I giggle, he chuckles, and we lean in and kiss again. You know the rest....

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