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Thank you guys so much for 2k! It means so much! This story has gone so far, and I'm so happy! Hope you all enjoy! Also, credits to Genesis814 for helping me a bit with this chapter.

Davina's POV

"The gift? What exactly did you talk about when you, uh, died?" Kol asks, and I look at darling, then at him. "She told me that there was a gift. And it was passed down through generations. Maybe that's how I came back?" I question, "Excuse me darling but, how does talking with my horse have anything to do with healing your wound?" He asks, with a small chuckle. I shrug, "It doesn't you barbarian." I hear darling say, making me chuckle. She has a heavy accent, and it's funny. "What?" He asks, "Nothing." I respond. "Did she say something to you? I have been nothing but dearest to you darling." Kol says, looking at her. "Yes, but you can't seem to get me a spa day, or a treat once and a while!" She responds, making me giggle again. "She's a little diva." I say, and he nods. "Yeah, she is." He says, glaring at her.

Me and Kol took darling on a walk, to the lake where one of are dates were. It was, peaceful. "So, you have another sister?" I ask him, and he nods. "Freya, was her name?" I ask him, and he nods again. "Apparently she just returned to us." He says, "So you do not trust her? Because honestly, from what I saw back there she was an amazing big sister." I giggle, and he chuckles. "While she is amazing, she is also a Mikaelson. I honestly don't know if she's being that way to manipulate me, or if she's just trying to be my sister." He admits, and we stop walking. I put my hand on his cheek."Kol. Yes, Freya is a Mikaelson. But she wasn't raised with the rest of you. She was raised in a different home. She might just be trying to be your sister. Give her a chance." I tell him. He nods, putting a hand over mine, and then leaning down and kissing me. I kiss back, putting my hands on his neck. "Aw, cute. But I'm starving." Darling says, and I pull back. "Darlings hungry." I say, and he chuckles looking at the horse. "Of course she is." He says and we laugh before walking the rest of the way.

Later that night

Katerina's POV

I'm in the castle, in my room with Stefan. We're laying under my blankets, with nothing on, and it's quite, and peaceful. "I have missed you so much my love." Stefan says, and I snuggle into his arms. "As have I. I thought I lost the love of my young life." Katerina says, and he kisses her. "That will never happen. My father has been sentenced, and my brother will take care of me." He says, "That is amazing Stefan. But, what about money? Is Damon working?" I ask him, "He will. As will I. But, for now we're living off my fathers cent. It's a pretty penny Katerina. And, it could be used for are trip. We could take some of the money, and run still-" I inturrupte him. "Wait, you still want to leave? But, the wedding is off my love. We have no need to run any longer." I tell him, sitting up, and looking at him. "Yes, but this is New Orleans. There will always be danger here. No matter what. If we run, we can leave this awful kingdom, and live in a place like heaven. Get married. Have a child, or 2." He goes on.

"Stefan. Look, I love you. You know this, but, after everything that happened, I can't just leave my kingdom. Now that my father is busy with his depts, I have to step up. I am being groomed for queen, and if I'm being truthful I have wanted to be since I was young. Not for the power, or the money. For the voice. I would have a say in this kingdom. Things would change." I tell him. "And who would I be? Just a peasant boy you once loved?" He says, getting up and starting to get dressed. "What, no! You'd be beside me. As my king, Stefan." I say, "Yes, Katerina. Exactly my point. You dreamed of having a say, a voice, the crown. I dreamed of a beautiful wife, and kids that we raised far from the kingdom. I do not wish to be king!" He raises his voice at me. I grab my robe, and put it on.

"So what? You think I was just gonna up and leave everyone I love to be with you?! Yes, I love you, but I am not getting married to another! There are no more problems! So why are you creating one?!" I shout back. "Creating problems? We had this plan before-" "Yes, when I was being betrothed to Kol! But he is in love with my sister, and when they get married, that will be the alliance of are kingdoms! I can chose-" I start, "And what if your father makes your sister queen? What then?" He asks, "Then she is queen. I will not take anything else away from my sister-" I start again, "Do you still love me even? Because you are putting everything before me!" He says, "Because! Your being selfish, and childish! I can not just leave my sister! My father! My home! Maybe before, but not now! People change, I have changed!" I shout, "As have I-" He starts.

"No Stefan. You are still you. Wanting more then you can have, and I cannot live with it anymore. Maybe-maybe we shouldn't have jumped into things. Maybe we need to be apart, longer." I say, not looking at him. "Maybe we should." He says back. "It's agreed then." I say, "Yeah. It's agreed." He says, leaving. I don't cry. I don't even feel the tears. He was being selfish, and only thinking of him self.

2:40 am

Davina's POV

Me and Kol were laying in his bed. Sleeping as we should be. I was snuggled in his arms. But then, I heard a voice. "Davina." My eyes shoot open. "Hello?" I ask, knowing Kol's a deep sleeper. I look down at him, and then go for his white blouse, and my panties, as I'm not wearing anything else. I stand up, "Davina." It says again. This time, I go into the corner of the room. I see a figure in the room,a shadow almost, but she's very visible. "What are you doing in my room?" I ask, almost in a whisper. "And who are you?" I ask again. I don't wanna wake Kol. But, I will if I must. "Oh come on, you don't recognize me?" She says. She's wearing a longer dress, not puffy. More flowy. "I can't say I do." I respond, but then, she steps out of the shadows. "Now, do you remember?" She asks.

"We met, when we were four

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"We met, when we were four. And friends, till we were 10. Remember that, Davina?" She says again. "It can't be. Alexia?" I say, "H-how are you-" I start, "Alive? I'm not." She starts, "W-what?" I stutter again. "Davina. I'm still dead."

Darling seems interesting. Stefan wants to leave still, but Katerina wants to stay! Kol and Davina seem great, and now Davina's dead friend is back. How? Who is she? How can Davina here her? Don't forget to comment and vote!

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