Bachelor party- Part 2

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This chapter is Kol and his brothers. Enjoy!

Kol's POV

I just left the bar me and my mates were in. Currently, I'm headed to the golden bridge where my brothers are. They call it the golden bridge because it's made of pure gold. That is why the New Orleans kingdom is wealthy, and strong. Because of there well none bridge. Anyway, I just arrived, as Darling took a holt, and I look over at the bridge to see my brothers both already there. I sigh, and start walking over to them, Darling by my side.

"Kol. You've made it." Elijah says, pulling me into a hug, "Well, I hate to admit it, but I do miss my elder brothers." I admit, truthfully. "And we you, brother. So, care to discuss Katerina?" Nik asks, looking at the water over the bridge, and I sigh, "Why not?" I say, "What was your first reaction? Does she want to be married-do you want the marriage?" Elijah started spitting questions one after another, "Slow down, Lijah. First of all, my reaction was happy." I lie, and while Elijah smiles, Klaus just stays quite, and frowns, "And..." Elijah pushed for me to continue. "Before I answer anymore questions, where is are other brother tonight?" I ask them, and they look at one another. "Finn, is with sage. As she is with child." Klaus says, and my eyes widen, "Pregnant?!" I ask, and they nod, "Is it his?" I ask, and they glare at me, "Yes, Kol." Elijah rolls his eyes. "Anyway, enough about Finn. Tell us more about Katerina." Klaus asks, an amused expression on his face, but I rub it off.

"Well, yes, she wants to marry me, who wouldn't. And, uh, yes. I want to marry her as well." I answer the remaining questions, finding it harder then I thought to lie about wanting to marry Katerina. "I'm happy for you brother." Elijah comments, and I smile, "Oh, goodness, I forgot. Father asked to see me tonight. May we continue this later?" He asks me and Klaus and I nod, "Go brother. I need to discuss something with Kol in private anyway." Klaus says, and I frown, confusion clear on my face. "Ok." He says, getting on his horse, and leaving. "What do you need to discuss brother?" I ask him, "I just need to prove my theory." He smirks, "What theory?" I ask, my heart pounding. "Well, now that Elijah's gone. I want you to answer the questions honestly." He says, and I frown, "What are you-" I start, "Stop lying brother. It's just me and you and you know I can keep a few secrets, as you did mine." He says, looking at the water again. He is right. I did keep his secret. Before, my brother was meant to marry the lady Aurora, but he fell in love with Caroline before he met her. He was scared on what my father would think, so he told me about it, and I never told a soul. I sigh, "So, what was your real reaction to Katerina?" Klaus asks me, now looking at me. I lean on the bridge side. "She is a pretty maiden, I cannot lie about that. But, my first reaction was the same. I didn't want to get married, no matter how pretty the maiden, I didn't love Katerina." I tell him, honestly. Me and my brother have always been close. Yes, me and Rebekah have a bond, but me and Klaus, we understand each other. He understood me more then my other family does.

"Hm. And, did she want to marry you?" He asks me, "When I came here. Katerina was in love with another, and I was thankful. His name, was Stefan Salvatore." I tell him, and he frowns, "Was?" He asks me, and I sigh again, "That very night, Stefan and Katerina were planning to run. That way, there couldn't be a wedding, if the bride was missing. But, plans changed, and Stefan broke her heart. Leaving her with a hole, and she used me to fill it." I honestly tell him. "You slept with her, didn't you." Klaus asks, "Not exactly. More like she blackmailed me into sleeping with her. She said that she would tell King John, and father that I cheated on her. Even though it wasn't true." I told him, and his eyes widened, "And now. Do you want to be married to Katerina?" He asks, "I don't wish to marry Katerina, no." I say, not wanting to tell him about Davina...yet.

"Then who. Usually, you would say you don't wish to be married at all. Now your saying you don't want to marry Katerina. If not Katerina, then who?" He asks me, and I smirk, "You cannot tell Elijah, nor Rebekah." I say, and he nods, "Her sister. Davina Claire. If I had to marry anyone, it would be her. I'm, in love with her, Nik." I tell him, and he smiles. "In love? I didn't think I'd see the day." He mocks, and I playfully hit him on the shoulder, "To be honest, neither did I. But, Davina is, different. You'd love her Nik, truly. She has attitude, she's beautiful, she's smart, her heart is as big as the 7 seas-" I ramble, "I love her." I say, and he smiles, and pulls me in for a hug. "I hope you find a way to be happy with her Kol. I hope you find your happy ending." My brother tells me, and I smile, "Thank you Nik." I say, and we pull apart. "Speaking of my girl, I need to go see her." I say, getting on Darling, and him getting on his all black horse, midnight. "I do wish to meet her one day though." Klaus says, and I chuckle, "I'll have to arrange something." I say, before we both ride off.

Davina's POV

I'm in the garden. Trying to think of ideas for my dress, that Cami is making for me, for the bachelorette party. I don't want to go. Not at all. Maybe, if my sister wasn't marrying the love of my life, and maybe if she wasn't so cruel, maybe, I'd be a little better, but, nope. Kol is with his brothers right now, I think. I know that he was meeting them, along with his friends, who I have yet to meet any of them. I'm also trying to think of ideas for the wedding, and I have, no clue. I was admiring a beautiful rose bush, when I feel arms rap around my waist, surprising me, but I soon realize who it is. I smile, and lean into him. "Hi." I whisper, "Hello Darling." He whispers back. "How was the meeting with your friends, and family?" I ask him, and he chuckles, "Actually, so much better then I thought." He says, and I frown, and then turn to face him. His hands still on my hips.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, "I told them. My friends, and my older brother, Klaus. They know about you, and us, and they support it." He says and I smile, "Kol, that's, amazing!" I say, rapping my hands around his neck, and kissing him. "Darling, I have something to ask you." He says, and I frown. "Anything." I say, and he pulls me over to the white roses, and I sit on the bench, him next to me, and he's holding my hands. "I think I found a way to stop the wedding." He says, and my eyes widen, "W-what?" I stutter, happiness, and joy taking over me. Yet, I'm curious. "How?" I ask him, "Well, do you remember how the wedding was going to be stopped in the first place?" He asks me, and I frown, "Yes, Stefan and Katerina were going to run-wait, you and my sister-" I start, but he chuckles, "No, darling." He starts.

"I want you, and I, to run away."

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