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My eyes widened, and my lips trembled as I looked at what was happening infront of my eyes.

There, stood Seokjin.

And there were handcuffs on his wrists.

The thoughts that were attacking my mind was taking a long time to process. My jaw was hanging as I looked at Officer Mingyu and Jinyoung, eyes filled with betrayal and pain as they looked at their colleague.

"Kim Seokjin, you're under arrest for the murder of the three cases. We have proof and you are under investigation."

Jinyoung said as he gripped the handcuffs tight on Jin's wrists.

"Wh-what do you mean Jinyoung? I didn't do anything! What are you saying?!" Seokjin yelled as he tried to take his handcuffed hands away from him.

"Silence, don't speak, we just found proof that you are the suspect Kim Seokjin, and we're gonna take you the executives," Mingyu said as he furrowed his brows, saying something into the walkie-talkie before shoving it inside his pocket.

"Wait! Seokjin is innocent! Don't take him! I don't understand! He hasn't done anything!" I scream at them as I chase them outside. My heart dropping as a lump formed in my throat.

"Sorry miss, you cannot intefere with this. Let us do the job and if you could, you can be at court, siding with him," Mingyu said, patting my shoulder before rushing to Jinyoung and Seokjin, shoving him inside the police car.

"No please! I can prove it! I can-," I yell as Mingyu places himself inside the driver's seat, starting the engine.

"Wait! Don't leave! Bring back my cousin!" I yell as I was about to sprint after the moving car, taking off with my cousin in it. Tears pooled my eues at the thought of losing my cousin, my family, my only family. The one who never gave up on me, the one who told me that I should go on a path I really desire, the one who taught me how to love.

"Please! Bring him back!" I cried.

I took a step, ready to sprint after them.

But, I was tugged by a force.

And my body crashed with a soft and sturdy figure, its warm arms wrapped around me as its hand trailed to my hair, stroking it softly.

"Don't chase after them," the voice whispered to my ear as its arms were still around my waist.

I buried my face into his clothes, the familiar scent surrounding my nostrils as tears kept streaming down my face. My eyes getting puffy as I closed them. I bundled up the soft fabric of the unknown person's shirt as I cried into his embrace.

"If you go after them, you'll get run over and it's nighttime too," his deep voice whispered and it sent shivers down my spine.

I didn't know and I didn't look at the guy, I just buried my whole self into his embrace as I sobbed into his chest. The image of Seokjin's helpless state never leaving my mind as the cold winds of the night blew around us, sending the streets empty once again.

But somehow, his embrace was comfortable, cozy, familiar.

Similar to home.



"We're gonna be alright, Aehye-ah! Just hang in there! We'll get a house, and a car! And you'll get that doll you always wanted!" Seokjin smiled as he held Aehye's tiny hand.

"Jinnie, but it will take a long loooonggg time! Just like what auntie said!" She replied as she stretched her arms out wide.

"Not when I become so successful you'll be blown away!" Seokjin said as he did a few gestures with his hands.

Seokjin was 16 at that time. He was very young, yet he was the one who had taken care of her. And she was only 10-years old. They were seated on a bench that was near Han river.

"But if we're not gonna get a car and a house, we'll not live!" Aehye fusses, crossing her arms.

"That's why you should root for me Aehye! Alright? We'll be that unstoppable team!" Jin smiled as he patted Aehye's hair which were tied into cute pigtails.

"We'll be like the Powerpuff Girls?" Aehye beamed, as she gave Seokjin her cheeky, squirrel smile.

"Yes, like the Powerpuff Girls," Seokjin chuckled as he pinched her cheek.

Then, Seokjin stood up from the bench, taking Aehye's hand in his.

"Come on now, let's go and sleep now, it's getting late," Seokjin said and Aehye nodded, standing up on her two little feet as they walked away from the sea. The moonlight shimmered like silverdust on the sea, and the moon was round and bright as it danced with the dark night, the Han river was the blanket tucking the moon to sleep as Seokjin and Aehye walked farther and farther from the venue.


"Hey, wake up."

My eyes slowly fluttered open, my lips parted at the sudden heaviness my eyelids made me furrow my brows.

"Where's Seokjin?" I asked, my mind spinning with different thoughts.

Please, please be a dream.

"He's... in the station," the voice replied.

I tried my best to open my eyes fully, and I saw a mop of black hair dressed in a brown sweater.

My heart felt heavy, my lips trembling as I knew I was about to break down again.

"Here, put some ice on your eyes, you look like a puffy frog," he spoke softly as he gave me a bowl of cold water and ice.

"J-Jimin? What happened? Why am I here all of a sudden?" I asked him, my eyes swollen as I placed an ice on my closed left eye.

"I don't know either, Aehye. I saw you, on the living room couch. You were asleep and the front door was unlocked, I went to your house at 7AM," Jimin replied.

I looked at him, then I gave him a sigh as I sat up on the bed.

"I don't think I can carry the day on without Seokjin, Jimin. I feel... so... empty," I say, and I look at him as he sighs deeply.

"Look Aehye, it's gonna be fine. As long as your brother is innocent and did not commit anything wrong, he'll be set free. Just breathe," Jimin said as he patted my shoulder.

I look at him and I give him a weak smile, before opening my mouth to speak.

"I'm gonna go shower, and I have to go somewhere, I'll call you, okay?" I ask him and he nods, he fumbles for his car keys before walking to the exit of the door.

"I have to go too now anyway, I dropped by to ask you if you wanna go for a movie but we'll just do it sometime," he grins as he turns the doorknob, exiting the door with a small click.


As I was done showering, I slipped on a brown sweater and a black skirt, and I paired it with some Timberlands as I made my way to the coffee table before taking the broken clock and putting it inside the paper bag.

I grabbed my bag and I made my way to the front door before opening it, and stepping outside, inhaling slowly as I closed the door.

I walked down the steps as I made my way to the clock shop, Itaewon is just a train ride from here, so I walked to the subway and took a ticket.

I needed to get my mind off something, to breathe into fresh air and to clear my mind a bit. Everything is stressing me out.

But not until I came upon the subway news.



Vote or you gonna look like Shrek

Anyway, so thank you so much iloveiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou

Giving u my kish mwah •3•❤

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